
    摘要物联网作为信息产业发展的第三次浪潮,被应用在农业当中,并解决了一系列问题, 如获取分布在广域空间之中的信息、高效可靠的数据传输以及对不同应用的智能决策, 物联网将推动传统农业向现代农业转型。在农业生产的过程中,温度、湿度、光照强度、 水分及其他养分等多种自然因素共同影响着作物的生长。传统农业的生产方式并不能达 到精细化管理的标准,只能算作粗放式管理,而在这种管理方式下,只能通过人体的感 知能力来管理上述环境参数,无法达到准确性要求。为解决这一问题,本文设计了基于 物联网的智能农业数据采集节点,该级节点能够实时准确的获取农作物生长环境的各项 参数,并将这些信息通过无线传感器网传输至远端监控室。69380

    本文首先阐述了农业物联网的发展背景、研究意义及主要研究内容,并对国内外发 展情况进行了比较。文中给出了智能农业物联网监控网络方案,提出了农业物联网网络 拓扑形式,设计出基于 MSP430F5438 及 XBee 模块的农业物联网数据采集节点硬件平台, 完成了数据采集节点的软件设计。最后,搭建了农业物联网实验平台,验证了本文设计 的数据采集节点传感器数据采集、及无线通信的有效性。


    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要


    As the third wave in the information industry, The internet of things (IOTs) applications in agriculture will be addressed in a series of scientific and technical issues, such as the acquisition of information distributed in the wide area, high efficient and reliable data transmission and intelligent decision-making for different applications, IOTs will promote the transformation of traditional   agriculture   to   modern   agriculture.  In   the   process   of   agricultural production,

    temperature, humidity, light illumination intensity, water and other nutrients  many  natural factors jointly affect the growth of crops. Traditional agricultural production mode and cannot reach fine management standard, can only be regarded as extensive management, and in this mode of management, only by human perception to manage the environmental parameters, can not achieve the accuracy requirements. In order to solve this problem, this paper designs based on IOT intelligent agriculture data acquisition node system, the system can accurately get the crop growth environment parameters and the information of real-time remote monitoring in real-time.

    First of all, this paper explains the development background and research significance of the agriculture IOT, the main research contents, and makes a conclusion for state-of-the-art agriculture monitoring system. In addition, we present the IOTs monitoring scheme for the smart agriculture and proposed the topology of the monitoring network. In order to build the experiment platform, we designed the hardware and software for the smart agriculture data acquisition node, which is based on MSP430F5438 and XBee module. In the last, the effectiveness of our node was verified through the field experiment.

    Keywords: Internet of things、Smart agriculture、Wireless sensor network、MSP430

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    绪论 1.1 研究课题的背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本课题的研究内容

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