
    摘 要随着人类对环境质量、空气质量的关注度越来越高,大气颗粒物实时监测系统越来越受到人们的关注。大气颗粒物实时监测系统主要用来帮助小型气象站监测人员、居民住户及时了解当前大气中颗粒物浓度以及温湿度的情况,以便及时选择最佳的防护措施。因此,大气颗粒物实时监测系统对于提高空气质量有着极为重要的作用。69239



    毕业论文关键词:颗粒物监测  CC2530  ZigBee  LabVIEW

    An atmospheric particulate matter real-time monitoring system which design based on LabVIEW. 


    As human more and more focus air quality, the real-time monitoring system for atmospheric particulate matter more and more people's attention. Atmospheric particulate matter real-time monitoring system is mainly used to help small weather station monitors, the households to keep abreast of current atmospheric particulate matter concentration and temperature and humidity conditions, so that they can choose the best protective measures in time.Therefore, real-time monitoring system for atmospheric particulates has a very important role to improve air quality.

    The design analyzes the real-time monitoring system of atmospheric particulate which based on the actual needs, and comparing with the existing atmospheric particulate matter monitoring system, then proposing an atmospheric particulate matter real-time monitoring system which design based on LabVIEW. The system is mainly concentrated on  monitoring of particle concentration, temperature and humidity, consist of the monitoring device and the PC management platform which installed in the small weather station and residential housing. The system is designed from hardware and software aspects, select the desired sensor and design sensor signal conditioning circuit, selecting CC2530 chip as microprocessor of sensor nodes and gateway nodes, ZigBee wireless communication module is used to complete the signal transmission. This design uses LabVIEW virtual technology development platform to complete the storage, analysis and display of collected data, which is convenient for human-computer interaction. This system has many advantages such as high reliability, low cost, easy installation and high practicability.

    The paper has 35 figures, 3 tables, 25 references.

    Key words:particulate monitoring  CC2530  ZigBee  LabVIEW


    目 录

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    目 录 IV

    图清单 VI

    表清单 VIII

    1 绪论 1

        1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

        1.2 国内外研究现状

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