
    摘 要当今社会,条形码技术因具有快速、准确、成本低、可靠性高等特点,已经成为信息技术最实用的成果,在我国的国民经济发展建设中发挥了举足轻重的作用。因此,无论是从理论上还是实际应用方面,研究条码识别系统都具有很深远的意义,如何能做到快速准确的识别成为该领域当前重要的研究方向。69238



    毕业论文关键词:条形码  CC2530  ZigBee技术  LabVIEW

    Barcode wireless acquisition and analysis system design based on LabVIEW


    Nowadays, due to the bar code technology is fast, accurate, low cost, high reliability, it has become the most practical outcome in information technology and played a very inportanrt role in the development and construction of the national economy. Therefore, whether in theory or practical application, bar code identification system research are quite far-reaching significance, how to do it quickly and accurately identifying become an important area of research.

    The design of a comprehensive analysis of the actual needs of today's market for bar code identification system, through research and comparative advantages and disadvantages of the prior art barcode recognition, barcode design wireless acquisition and analysis system for based on LabVIEW. The design chosen CC2530 chip as the CPU, the application of ZigBee protocol, thereby effectively increasing the communication distance. The design of the system enables bar code data collection, transmission and status display, alarm and other functions. LabVIEW while developing PC software management platform for analysis identifying barcode, barcode scanning can reduce the error rate and enhance the error correction capability in the field of automatic identification bar code has broad application prospects.

    Key Words: barcode  CC2530  tecnology of ZigBee  LabVIEW

    目 录

    摘 要 I

    Abstrct II

    目 录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景与意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状: 1

    1.3 研究目标与要求 2

    2 系统设计方案分析论证 4

    2.1 系统总体结构设计方案 4

    2.2 条码扫描模块选择方案论证 4

    2.3 无线通信协议选择方案论证 6

    2.4 射频芯片设计方案 7

    2.5 无线射频节点设计方案 8

    2.6 通信接口设计方案论证 9

    2.7 报警提示模块设计方案论证 10

    2.8 上位机设计方案论证 11

    3 系统硬件设计 12

    3.1 CC2530芯片最小系统设计

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