
    摘  要现代社会的发展和电能息息相关,但是现代社会的飞速发展,使电能供需之间有了很大的矛盾。计量电能时采用分时计费可以在一定程度上缓解这一供需矛盾。但旧式的电能表不具有分时计量功能,所以以研发单片机技术为基础的新型多功能电能表成为热门。



    毕业论文关键词:单片机  MSP430F149  多功能电表  RS-485  电表保护

    Design Of Single-Phase Multi-Function Electrical Meter Based On MSP430 Single-Chip Microcomputer


    Modern social development and energy are closely related, but the rapid development of modern society cause of greatly contradiction between power supply and demand. To a certain extent the time-sharing of billing can ease the contradiction between supply and demand when measuring electric energy. The old style electric energy meter does not have the function of time sharing, so it is popular to make multi-function watt-hour meter based on Single-Chip Microcomputer.

    In this design the main control chip is MSP430F149. There are many functions in chip such as multiple rates, RS-485 communication and infrared communication mode meter reading. Automatic remote meter reading is the urgent need for managing electrical energy now. In this design, the system supports two kinds of meter reading methods. One is using infrared meter reading machine to achieve the local of meter reading in case communication lines can not be used normally. The other one is to realize remote automatic meter reading through RS-485 interface. The system set aside a wireless communication interface in order to expand the needs on the future. With the popularization of electric energy meter it is more important to do a good job of protecting watt-hour meter. It is easy to mix the overvoltage for lightning, because wired communication is added in this design. In order to prevent thunder electric wave invasion from the cable, system must add the appropriate protection. To Prevent the national important power resources were stolen, design discuss several methods of preventing electricity-stolen.

    There are twenty three pictures, one chart and twenty seven references in the design.

    Key Words: Single-Chip Microcomputer  MSP430F149  multi-function watt-hour meter  RS-485  Watt-hour meter protection

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 IV

    图清单 VI

    表清单 VI

    变量注释表 VII

    1 绪论 1

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