
    摘要由于滚珠螺母内部结构限制,一些用于外滚道测量的方法无法用于内滚道测量,所以内螺纹滚道非接触式测量的原理研究和方案设计难度较大,目前国内学者研究的还不 多。本论文重点研究基于非接触式检测原理的滚珠螺母内螺旋滚道廓形自动测量技术。 本文根据滚珠螺母的测量要求,提出一种基于光谱共焦位移传感器的非接触式自动 测量方案,搭建实验台,完成电路连接,通过 Visual Basic 设计自动测量软件,使用最 小二乘法,对实验数据进行拟合,并对拟合结果进行分析。由于米铱传感器的最大镜面反射角为±1.5°,部分实验组数据点缺失严重,提出旋转传感器的改进方案。 69409

    毕业论文关键词 滚珠螺母  非接触式  廓形检测  光谱共焦 自动测量

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Research of a non-contact automatic measuring system for the thread profile of ball nut 


    Due to the limit of the ball nut’s space, the measuring system for the screw can’t be used to measure the thread profile of the ball nut. It is up to now that difficulty of studying the principle of non-contact measuring system for the ball nut still exists. This thesis does research on the automatic non-contact measuring system for the profile of the ball nut. 

    According to the measuring requirement of the ball nut, a non-contact automatic measurement system based on the optical sensor is proposed. Before the circuit connection, the test bed was designed and assembled. The automatic measurement software was designed by Visual Basic. The least square method was used to fit the experimental data, and the fitting results were analyzed. However, the sensor’s max allowed angle of reflection in direct reflection is ±1.5°,some points of thread profile was missed. Finally, the improved measuring system is proposed. 

    Keywords   ball nut   thread profile   non-contact   measuring system 

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 测量方式介绍 1

    1.3 论文主要研究内容 4

    2 测量原理研究 6

    2.1 研究基本要求 6

    2.2 廓形检测原理 6

    2.3 检测系统设计和测量元件介绍 7

    3 软件设计 19

    3.1 米铱传感器软件设置 20

    3.2 步进电机控制模块 21

    3.3 米铱传感器和光栅尺控制模块 22

    3.4 数据图像化显示和保存模块 22

    4 实验和结果分析 24

    4.1 实验步骤

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