

    毕业论文关键词: 幼稚园;Airpak;数值模拟;空气品质;幼儿成长

    Simulation of Indoor Air Quality Of Kindergarten Preschool Education Building And Analysis Based On Airpak

    Abstract:    This paper based on CFD simulation technology, using fluent, the company launched a professional software Airpak3.0 established a simulation of the kindergarten classroom building model, numerical simulation analysis and studies on indoor air distribution and comfort. A preliminary understanding of the principles that should be followed in the establishment of kindergarten after the investigation of the facilities of several kindergartens. Simulation platform, the more common type of kindergarten preschool indoor building model is established, analysis of thermal environment and indoor air distribution numerical simulation software Airpak as. The temperature field, velocity field and thermal comfort of the image are obtained by Airpak software. The present kindergarten preschool indoor air quality improvement direction in order to increase children comfort, eliminate or reduce the harm of environment on children healthy growth. The results showed that the indoor air quality in kindergarten preschool classroom are not qualified. But in terms of software, Airpak can well predict the room away from the heat flow and thermal comfort, indicating the use of professional simulation software Airpak simulation of the indoor thermal environment and reliability of the accuracy and reliability.

    Keywords: Kindergarten; Airpak; Numerical simulation; Air quality; The healthy growth of children

    摘要: i


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 基本信息 2

    1.2.1 评价指标 2

    1.2.2室内空气品质与健康 2

    1.2.3 空气环境与幼儿密切相关 3

    1.3 国内外CFD研究现状和水平 3

    1.4 课题研究的内容及方法 4

    2 幼教型教室的理论模型 6

    2.1 幼稚园幼教型建筑环境设计 6

    2.2 幼稚园幼教类室内的理论模型 6

    3 幼教类教室室内模型数值模拟 7

    3.1 数值模拟技术在建筑暖通空调领域的应用 7

    3.2 Airpak软件 7

    3.2.1 Airpak软件的简介: 7

    3.2.2 Airpak软件的特点

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