

         此外,Arduino 是近年来较为流行的一款无论是是硬件实现还是软件编程都较为简便,方便灵活,容易上手,应用便捷,价格实惠并且具有大量接口的开源硬件产品。Arduino包含硬件和软件在内的整个平台都是完全意义上开源的,而且它所创建的对象都是交互式的物理对象。

    本篇论文主要着手于无线数据传输系统的设计,使用Arduino UNO与nRF24L01芯片来解决现如今无线数据传输产品传输距离较短、速度较低、成本过高、性能不稳定等方面的问题。高性能的Arduino与nRF24L01组成的无线数据传输系统可以快捷、稳定、可靠地实现无线数据传输,满足各种系统工作的需求。



    毕业论文关键词:    无线数据传输  Arduino UNO   nRF24L01

    Research and Implementation of Wireless Data Transmission Technology based on Single Chip Microcomputer


    In most industrial and technical peRSonnel often have to a large number of real-time data collection, such as temperature, humidity, air pressure and water pressure, the and timely the data transmission proCEssing, and requires control signals timely transmission to the on-site execution module for each operation. At this time, we need to use wireless data transmission technology. Wireless data transmission technology is in the wired data transmission based on, with RF technology as the core to achieve. Wireless data transmission technology for wireless data transmission, mobile, digital is convenient and rapid method, and greatly reduCE the use cost, wireless data transmission technology has therefore been Rapid popularization and wide application.

    In addition, Arduino is a more popular in reCEnt yeaRS both was implemented in hardware or software programming is simple, is convenient and flexible, easy to use, convenient application, affordable and has a large number of interfaCE of open sourCE hardware products.Arduino contains hardware and software, the entire platform is completely open sourCE and the objects it creates are interactive physical objects.

    This thesis mainly working on the design of wireless data transmission system, using the Arduino UNO and nRF24L01 chip to solve nowadays wireless data transmission products transmission distanCE is short, low speed, high cost, unstable performanCE of. Composed of high performanCE Arduino and nRF24L01 wireless data transmission system can be fast, stability, reliable to achieve wireless data transmission, to meet the needs of all system.

    This article initially discusses the working principle of the wireless data transmission technology, through the design of the overall system all the hardware  

    block diagram, and through the production of the material in order to achieve a better undeRStanding on the working principle, and introduCEs the structure principle and the function of each part.

    At last, according to the theory of this paper, we make the object to realize the function of the system.

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