

    毕业论文关键词:空气压缩机  变频器  PLC(可编程控制器)

    The Design of The Control System of Air-compressor with PLC


    Based on PLC with inverter to achieve automatic control system. With the air compressor transforming the traditional electrical control to achieve automatic control by PLC. This design can be applied to large-scale use of air compressor in coal industry. This design can improve the degree of automation in large part ,and improve the efficiency of industrial production, conserve a large number of resources and can also play a role in protecting the environment. This design make the control of PLC and inverter as a core. By processing the passing sensor signal to make the inverter controlling drive motor speed to change the intake and exhaust efficiency in compressor. So that the pressure in pipeline get a degree of stability. In the software part of the design,including schematic diagram of the control system and the speed control system,there also have PID control theory and PID formula.In the hardware part,for the different needs of PLC,inveter and sensor,selecting some types that to be in more line with. There are also main circuit design and a control system diagram of the overall connection.The control of PLC and inveter can make logic control, sequence control various functions, timing and counting come ture.

    Key words: Air Compressor  PLC  Inverter 

    目 录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目 录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 设计的研究背景 1

    1.2 研究目的和意义 1

    1.3 相关文献综述 1

    1.4 本文的研究重点与组织思路 3

    2 系统方案分析与选择论证 5

    2.1 空气压缩机选择方案 5

    2.2 PLC的选择方案 6

    2.3 变频器的选择方案 7

    2.4 传感器的选择方案 7

    2.5 系统的最终方案 7

    3 系统方案的硬件设计 8

    3.1 PLC的简介 8

    3.2 集散控制系统组成 11

    3.3 集散控制系统的工作原理 12

    3.4 PLC的通信与报警装置 17

    3.5 系统硬件设计

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