


    该论文有图25 幅,表4个,参考文献13篇。

    毕业论文关键词:51单片机  固态继电器  智能综合保护开关










    Of non-contact electric switch for mine design and research




    As a country that relies more on coal energy in China, factories, industrial use of technology to create much-needed coal resources. But the underground mine environment, coal dust, coal mining and mining is not very favourable. The slightest mistake, electric spark occurs, leading to explosion of flammable gases such as methane. Therefore, the coal mine security job, we need to pay special attention. And when it comes to coal mine safety issues, we must mention the production of coal electric drill. The past, handheld electric coal drill comprehensive conservation switch most of the switching device is on AC contactor, easy to produce sparks when the contact is closed. Handheld electric coal drill switch of large size, weight, protection is not perfect, poor reliability and safety.     Therefore, with the development of coal mine coal-drill integrated protection switch devices have to function under protection and performance optimization to make further demands. Research on the design of an intelligent coal electric drill switch is based on solid state relays as the switching device, with AT89C51 microcontroller core, judging circuit through the CPU system has no fault, faulty disconnect solid state relay switch, trouble-free pulse signal is issued, coal electric drill power conducting. Another core innovation of this paper is to use 51 single-chip computer control system of electric coal drill power switching and the design of intelligent protection of intuitive, Visual interface, easy to check the equipment failure, reduced equipment maintenance workload. The paper has 25, table 4, 13 references are presented.



    Key words: 51 single chip  solid state relay  intelligent protection switching






    1 绪论1





    1.5 本设计的创新点.4

    1.6 本章小结.4

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