


    这次所做的方案主要就是通过西门子S7-200系列的CPU226 作为控制元件来研究并且设计中央空调水泵变频调速控制系统。该设计论文将会叙述变频器和可编程控制器的工作原理,完成变频器、可编程控制器等的选型和参数设置,重点完成PLC硬件电路图和程序设计。



    毕业论文关键词:中央空调  变频调速  可编程控制器

    Central Air conditioning’s Water Pump Frequency Control of Motor Speed Control System Design Based on PLC


    With the continuous progress in science and technology and improvement of the quality of life, the central air conditioning has gradually entered the people's vision, which has become an important part of people’s life . At the same time ,the energy it consumes also caused concern in the community.The energy saving problem of central air-conditioning has become the key problem that people expect to solve .

    Central air-conditioning system which is based on variable frequency technology in a certain extent greatly can reduce energy consumption., It adopts speed-adjusted system through frequency conversion ,which on the one hand brings the success of the motor soft start,and on the other hand which also reduce the vibration and abrasion and prolongs the life of the motor. Central air-conditioning pump variable frequency technology is an effective way to save energy.Moreover,it has get the support of national policy and it has been on behalf of the future direction of energy-saving air-conditioning industry technical.

    This graduation design is mainly designed by Siemens S7-200 cpu226 which is used to control element for the research and design of central air conditioning water pump frequency control of motor speed control system. The design in this thesis will explains the principle ,model selection and parameter design of the converter and the programmable controller.The design will focus on the completion of PLC hardware circuit diagram and program design.

    The economy of the central air conditioning water pump frequency conversion speed control system is very considerable which will have a very good prospect and open market.

    Key Words:Central Air Conditioning  Variable Frequency Speed Control   Programmable Controller

    目   录

    摘   要 I

    Abstract II

    目   录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 VI

    1绪论 1

    1.1设计中央空调变频调速系统的意义 1

    1.2 变频调速技术的简单介绍 1

    1.3 本文的主要工作 2

    1.4 本章小结

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