








    关键词:油污检测  荧光法  51单片机

    The Design of Industrial Oil Detection System


    Recently, with the development of industry, oil pollution of water bodies becoming more serious and can even affect the sources of our drinking water so that the oil pollution may have an impact on our health, so sewage industrial emissions detected more and more attention. and how to achieve real-time online detection of oil in water concentrations in the industry has been studying the optimization problem.

    Today, oil detection methods commonly used internationally have ultraviolet, infrared method, gravimetric method, fluorescence method. Fluorescence has the highest sensitivity and selectivity also wider. In this paper, we use the fluorescence method and make a decision that use emitting diode as a light source and the photodiode as a detector. Using MSC51 to realize intelligent control to set the industrial oil detection system.

    The main contents of this paper are as follows:

    Firstly, making a detailed analysis of the theoretical knowledge fluorescence. Analysis the various factors that affect the fluorescence intensity and wavelength and provide a basic for the following construction of detection system.

    Then, we discussed the design ideas of the entire oil detection system, especially the design ideas detection system. Making a discourse about how to choose the key components of the overall system and make a further explanation about them combining with the program. To make the working principle of the whole system simple and clear, we also make a detailed analysis about main circuit in the system.

    Finally, listed the programs used in the system, illustrating programming ideas and purposes.

    The paper has 23 pictures,18 references.

    Key words: Oil pollution detection  Fluorescence method  MCS51 


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究历史 2

    1.3油污检测方法的分类 3

    1.4 本论文的主要工作 4

    2 荧光法的理论基础

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