
    摘要现如今,我国城市化进程发展越来越快,国内的一线二线城市中的轨道交通建设呈快速发展。自动售检票(Automatic Fare and Collection,AFC)系统是以计算机为核心,采用通信网络、自动控制等技术,实现轨道交通的售票、检票、统计客流、数据清分、计费和管理的全自动化控制系统。其中自动售票机是AFC系统中最为重要的组成部分,它的工作效率和可靠性将对城市轨道交通产生重要影响。69187



    毕业论文关键词:自动售票机  嵌入式  ARM芯片 Linux 通信

    AFC System in Urban Rail Transit


    Now, the development of China's urbanization process faster and faster, the domestic first-line second-tier cities showed rapid development of rail transit construction. AFC (Automatic Fare and Collection, AFC) system is based on the computer as the core, communications, networking, automatic control technology, mass transit ticketing, ticketing, passenger statistics, data clearing, fully automated billing and management Control System. Wherein the vending machine is the AFC system, the most important part of its efficiency and reliability of urban rail transport will have an important impact.

    This paper first describes the role of the AFC system and its components, research status of development, leads to the subject of the significance of the topic. Then analyzed the functional requirements of the structure and composition of an automatic vending machine, vending machine proposed design based on ARM. Design of vending machine according to the paper requirements and overall program design, with powerful data processing and network communications transmission capacity HMS30C7202 microprocessor, interface circuitry for key vending machine structural design. Protues use software to complete the schematic design and drawing, and then for the relevant technical summary of communications required Linux operating system involves doing a simple exposition. On the basis of embedded development on the vending machine for research and design, we completed the basic functions of an automatic vending machine, comprising: a passenger touch screen, identify the authenticity of the currency, a single ticket information read-write, upload and save data Wait. Enabling the system to an Ethernet-based data communication, provide a good foundation for further development and application.

    The papers Figure 25, Table 1, reference 31.

    Key Words:Ticket vending machine  Embedded  ARM  Linux Communication

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 绪论 1

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