



    毕业论文关键词:  贯通地线  GSM技术  ZigBee技术    

    Ground wire Fault Monitoring System Based on ZigBee through railway


    The railway through ground wire is widely spread in all the railway lines, and it is widely used along the lines. But, due to unusual railway through ground wire used with metal alloy or molecular sheath material of copper wire, bridges, tunnels, etc. can not be buried in laying at the often stolen or damaged. Once the railway lost ground, which will result in huge losses.So, it is difficult to develop a through earth wire is missing or damaged by faults in, focus on the completion of alarm and information transmission function through ground wire monitoring system, for the protection and maintenance personnel discovered in a timely manner and on earth additions and maintenance to ensure train operation safety.

    In order to solve the problem of loss of stolen ground, After analyzing the existing lack of ground monitoring program, based on GSM and ZigBee technology to develop a real-time monitoring through ground railway system. For this railway through ground surveillance system, in this paper to determine its overall design scheme after another through two different aspects of indoor and outdoor introduced the railroad through ground monitoring system. This paper focuses on the various indoor and outdoor modules are studied, the focus of this paper is used for the outdoor terminal F8913 ZigBee module as well as a brief introduction to the indoor module. Through analysis and simulation tests of the system, that the system can complete the railway bridges and tunnels and other special area through ground and long-distance rail electrical equipment in real time. Finally, the system is summarized, and the prospect of the program in the future application and development direction.


    KE Y  WOEDS:Through ground wire  GSM Technology  ZigBee Technology


    摘要 I

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 论文研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2

    1.3 论文主要工作

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