    毕业论文关键词:电力工业 ;电网 ;潮流计算 ;短路计算
    ABSTRACT  Electric power industry is the fundamental industry that national economy to develop, it is the basic task of the is provide sufficient, safe, quality standards, to meet the various development sectors of the national economy and people's living electricity needs continue to grow. Power system, including power generation, power generation, power transmission, distribution, electricity and many other links. Power grid is an important link between the power supply and the user, its main use is to power the security, quality, environmental protection to the user. The development of electric power industry is the advantage that the big power grid can not be replaced. It is necessary to build a modern power grid. With the development of power grid and ultra high voltage and large capacity power grid, power to the state and the people's economic and social development brought great development and benefit, and become one of today's social development and people's daily life indispensable energy. This paper through the development of reactive power balance scheme, the proposed network wiring scheme and power flow calculation and short circuit calculation, the grid in Kaiyang region of planning and design.
    Key words:  power industry ; power grid ; power flow calculation ; short circuit calculation
    目  录
    摘  要    
    第一章  设计说明书    1
    1.1鹿泉火电厂和平丘水电厂的发电机型号、参数    1
    1.2继电保护装置    1
    1.3发电厂电气主接线的确定    2
    1.4发电厂主变压器的确定    3
    1.5短路电流水平    3
    1.6地区电网接线方案的确定    3
    第二章  设计计算书    5
    2.1发电厂升压变压器台数、型号、容量、参数的确定    5
    2.2地区电网接线方案一的计算    6
    2.3地区电网接线方案二的计算(环网)    12
    2.4 地区电网接线方案一的潮流计算    15
    2.5地区电网接线方案二的潮流计算    20
    2.6经济方面的计算    24
    2.7通过技术经济比较确定最佳方案    28
    2.8优选方案短路电流计算    29
    第三章 火电厂电气设备的选择    35
    1.断路器和隔离开关的选择    35
    2.继电保护装置    36
    3.电压互感器的选择    37
    4.电流互感器的选择    37
    结束语    38
    致  谢    39
    参考文献    40
    第一章  设计说明书
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