


    毕业论文关键词  配电网  可靠性评估  网络等值   最小路


    Title    The Research on reliability of distribution network                     



    With the continuous development of economy and society of our country,the demand on power quality and reliability of electric power system is further more.Distribution system, which is the tip of power system and connects to the clients, plays an important role of electricity supply and distribution. Therefore, the study on reliability evaluation of distribution system is of great significance.

    This paper introduces the basic concepts of power distribution system and its characteristics, and gives the common indices of distribution system reliability evaluation. It has expounded reliability evaluation of distribution network based on network-equivalent and minimal path principle. In the method of network-equivalent, some equivalent elements are used to replace some portions of feeders of the distribution network, thus a complex distribution system can be decomposed into a series of simple one.Then the reliability indices can be calculated in the equivalent network. The method based on minimal path principle figures out every minimal path of each load point first, then consider the contributions to load points from minimal-path-component and un-minimal-path-component separately. Then the reliability indices can be calculated.Finally, the validity of this two method is demonstrated by a example.

    Keywords  distribution network  reliability evaluation

    network-equivalent   minimal path

    目   次

    1  引言… 1

    1.1  配电网可靠性评估的基本概念… 1

    1.2  配电网可靠性评估的目的及意义有… 1

    1.3  配电网可靠性评估的现状 2

    1.4  课题研究的主要工作 4

    1.5  本章小结 4

    2  配电网元件可靠性模型及指标 5

    2.1  元件可靠性模型… 5

    2.2  配电网的可靠性指标… 6

    2.3  本章小结 9

    3  配电网可靠性评估方法简介 10

    3.1  解析法… 10

    3.2  模拟法… 12

    3.3  混合法… 13

    3.4  人工智能算法 14

    3.5  本章小结 15

    4  基于网络等值法的配电网可靠性评估 16

    4.1  简单辐射状主馈线系统的可靠性指标计算 16

    4.2  复杂配电网的可靠性指标计算… 18

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