


    毕业论文关键词   电动车  增程  ADVISOR  动力性


    Title   the simulation research of electric vehicle that has the function of extended-range power


    As we all know, one of the ways to solve the energy crisis and environmental  pollution is development electric vehicle. At present, owing to battery technology and battery charging time of electric vehicle, the driving range is limited,so interest is growing in range extender researches. In the paper, a ranger extender is applied on electric vehicle to extend mileage of electric vehicle , at the same time protect the battery performance and prolong battery life. And then the key technology on rang extender electric vehicle(REEV) which is from abroad or the nation is analyzed; the powerstrain is designed based on a pure electric vehicle before using advance electric simulator; a charging technology is proposed and a prototype is developed.

    The design of powertrain is an basis of development of the electric vehicle which use an range extender. According to operating principle and driving characteristics, an methodology on designing range extender electric vehicle and design requirements are determine. On this foundation, the powerstrain component is choose and the main design parameters is defined. After that, the simulation software (ADVISOR) is applied for building range extender electric vehicle model and simulating vehicle performance(i.e. driving performance and economic performance) to provide a theoretical basis of prototype development.

    Keywords Electric vehicle, Range extender, ADVISOR, Intelligent-charging

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 增程电动汽车的研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 增程电动汽车定义 2

    1.3 国内外增程电动汽车发展状况 2

    1.4 论文主要研究内容 6

    2 电动车的结构布置与设计 7

    2.1 电动汽车的基本结构 7

    2.2 电驱动的结构形式 8

    2.3多电动机驱动形式 9

    2.4 轮毂电动机驱动形式 9

    2.5 本章小结 10

    3 电动汽车关键技术发展 11

    3.1 整车能量管理系统和控制策略 11

    3.2 关键零部件技术 12

    3.3 本章小结 13

    4 增程式电动汽车的动力总成设计 15

    4.1 驱动形式确定

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