


    毕业论文关键词  短路计算  继电保护  自动装置  整定计算 整定原则


    Title  The Setting Calculation of 600 MW  Generator Relay Protection Automatic Device                               


    Relay protection is an important part of production safety system of power grid,it plays an important role in the safe production of power. The fast , reliability and sensitivity of the relay protection depends largely on its rationality to protect the device reliability and protection setting value set. 

    Here for the original data and technical requirements,of 600MW generator relay protection automatic device is given to determine the main electrical wiring. Then calculate the short-circuit current according to the fault locations .According to the circuit characteristics we can do the setting calculation of the generator transformer set automatic device.and then according to the setting principle calculated the setting value .This paper adopts the advanced microcomputer quasi-synchronizing automatic device ,reserving power supply fast switching device WBKQ-01B and quick power input device.And for each device does the setting calculation.Prominent the features and protection scope.

    Keywords  short-circuit calculation  relay protection  automatic device          setting calculation  setting principle 

    目  次

    1. 绪论 1

    2. 发电机组的一次设备设计说明 2

    2.1  600MW发电机组的一次接线及系统运行方式 2

    2.2 主要设备参数 2

    2.3  发电机组安全自动装置配置 2

    2.3.1备用电源(备用设备)自动投入装置 3

    2.3.2自动准同期装置 3

    2.3.3微机备用电源快速切换装置 3

    2.4  发电机组继电保护保护装置 3

    3 短路电流计算 4

    3.1 600MW发电机组一次接线及系统运行方式说明 4

    3.2 各元件主要参数的计算 4

    3.3 短路电流和短路阻抗的计算 5

    3.4 K1点故障短路计算 8

    3.4.1正序 8

    3.4.2零序 10

    3.4.3最大运行方式下短路计算 11

    3.4.4最小运行方式下短路计算 12

    3.5 K2点故障短路计算

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