

    本文以交通流物理仿真系统研究重点,主要做了如下几个方面的工作:确立了单交叉口交通流物理仿真系统的研究内容和研究思路;介绍了交通流理论和交通流模型相关知识;设计了交叉口微观交通物理仿真系统总体结构;针对其中的交通流和信号灯模块,采用STC89C52RC开发板作为主控板,结合信号灯驱动板实现硬件平台的搭建,然后在此基础上通过对KEIL C51软件编写,完成软件部分的设计;最后以南京市胜利村路交叉口为例,得到了该交叉口的仿真结果。64487

    毕业论文关键词: 物理仿真;交通流仿真模型;C51单片机;LED显示屏


    Title  Physical Simulation System of Traffic Flow for  Single Intersection                                                                                            

    Abstract Along with economic development and the increasing number of automotive vehicle,urban transportation is becoming an increasingly serious problem. Traffic simulation is an important measure in traffic analysis,as well as in transportation planning and traffic control.

    This dissertation focuses on physical simulation of traffic flow and microscopic dynamic traffic modeling.The follows is about the main contents and contributions:The research contents and technique about physical simulation of traffic flow for single intersection is established;the main structure of the simulation system is completed,especially about the traffic flow and signal light;the development board STC89C52RC is used as a main control board,and through the transplant of KEIL C51,the design of the software were completed;finally the result of the simulation system is showed with the example of Nanjing Shenglicun intersection.

    Key Words: Physical simulation; traffic flow simulation model; C51 single-chip computer; LED display screen.

    目    录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景和意义 1

    1.2交通仿真研究现状 2

    1.2.1国外研究现状 2

    1.2.2国内研究现状 3

    1.3研究内容和技术路线 4

    1.3.1研究内容 4

    1.3.2研究思路 4

    1.3.3章节安排 5

    2交通流与信号控制基础 6

    2.1交通流统计分布 6

    2.1.1离散型分布 6

    2.1.2连续型分布 7

    2.2交通信号控制及分类 7

    2.2.1按控制范围划分 7

    2.2.2按结构划分 8

    2.3单交叉口信号控制 9

    2.3.1单交叉口定时控制 9

    2.3.2单交叉口感应控制 9

    2.4交通信号控制效率指标 10

    3微观仿真模型 12

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