
    摘要随着网络的迅猛发展,网络的拥塞问题日益严峻。TCP拥塞控制是Internet稳定工作的基础,主动队列管理算法 (Active Queue Management, AQM)作为端到端拥塞控制TCP协议的补充,得到了广泛的关注。本文主要介绍了主动队列管理机制,详细介绍了PI算法、RED算法、ARED算法等几个经典算法的工作机理。为了加深对这些算法的理解,在NS2实现了基于这些算法的若干改进的算法-- Event-PI、RE-ARED、CARED算法。本文通过NS2仿真对这些算法进行了模拟分析,在相同网络环境下对比PI和Event-PI面对突变负载的性能,并且观察RED以及RED的三种改进算法面对突增和突降网络负载时的性能,验证了改进算法的鲁棒性和稳定性。64488

    毕业论文关键词  主动队列管理  拥塞控制  PI控制器


    Title       The Realization and Simulation Research of      Active Queue Management Algorithm              

    Abstract Along with the rapid development of network, the problem of network congestion becomes more and more serious. TCP congestion control is the basis of the stability of Internet. Active queue management algorithm as the supplement of the end to end TCP congestion control protocol, becomes an active research area of network congestion control. This thesis mainly introduces the active queue management mechanism .And the PI algorithm, RED algorithm, ARED algorithm and their working mechanism is described in details. This paper focused on the improved algorithm :Event-PI、RE-ARED and CARED. To compare the performance of PI and Event-PI, a lot of simulations are run under same network scenarios. Moreover we set different traffic loads to compare the performance of RED,ARED, RE-ARED and CARED. The result show that Event-PI is faster and more stable than PI, and the robustness of ARED, RE-ARED, CARED is better than RED.

    Keywords  Active queue management   congestion control   PI algorithm

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究现状 2

    1.3  本文的研究内容和结构 3

    2  仿真平台NS2介绍 4

    3  PI算法、Event-PI算法的实现与仿真 5

    3.1  PI算法描述 5

    3.2  事件驱动的PI算法描述 6

    3.3  仿真研究与性能评价 7

    3.4  本章小结 13

    4  RED算法及相关改进算法的实现与仿真 13

    4.1  RED算法描述 13

    4.2  RED改进算法描述 16

    4.3  仿真研究和性能评估 20

    结论 27

    致谢 28

    参考文献 29

    1.1  研究背景


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