
    摘  要如今社会在发展科技也在飞速进步,交通工具也在人们快节奏的生活中有着重要位置。越来越多的人们使用汽车来来方便出行,汽车也成为人们平日生活重要组成部分。人们生活水平也在不断的提升,汽车的数量也是以几何式的增长模式飞速递增,于是停车难的问题也是很严峻的摆在了人们的面前。以前的停车场大多是用人力来进行管理的,这样的停车场不仅效率低而且耗费很多人力物力,未来的停车场发展趋势是智能的、便捷的、快速的。这种技术上的进步不仅节约了许多人力物力的投入,也在很大程度上更好的满足人们对于停车的需求。69107

    该课题是为了方便校园停车,解决校园停车难、出入口拥堵等问题而制作的一种智能停车管理系统。该系统主要作用是体现在车辆诱导和车辆检测。 通过RFID非接触式读卡芯片来识别允许进入的车辆,当是校内车辆时,允许其通过。对于不符合条件的外来车辆,可以手动放行。同时对外来的车辆进行计时,收费。 


    关键词;单片机的运用  RFID技术的运用  智能化以及自动化

    Microcontroller-based intelligent campus parking management system


    The development of technology in society today is also the rapid progress, the vehicle is also fast-paced life of the people has an important position. More and more people to use the car to facilitate travel, cars have become an important part of people's daily life. People's living standards are constantly improved, the number of cars is growing in geometric pattern of rapid increase, so the parking problems are also very serious placed in front of people. Former parking lot is mostly manpower to manage, so parking not only low efficiency and consume a lot of manpower and resources, the future development trend of the car park is a smart, easy and fast. Such technological advances not only save a lot of human and material resources, but also largely to better meet people's demand for parking.

    The issue is to facilitate campus parking, parking is difficult to solve the campus, entrance congestion and other problems made an intelligent parking management system. The main role of this system is reflected in the induction of vehicle and vehicle testing. By RFID contactless chip card reader to identify allowed to enter the vehicle, when the vehicle is at the school, allowing it to pass. For foreign vehicles do not meet the conditions, you can manually release. While foreign vehicle for a time, free of charge.

    The parking management system is intelligent parking management system including automation and microcontroller technology, effective management of the system can reduce congestion in the parking lot entrance to a large extent, while also showing the remaining spaces in the parking situation the system is a high efficiency, high performance, high security intelligent parking management system. So for the research and production of this system is to solve the parking problem on campus has a great help.

    Key words: use of intelligent MCU  use RFID  technology and automation

    目 录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV


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