
    摘要:电力对于现代生活必不可少,现今,高校用电负荷日趋变大,原有的用电管理方法已经无法适应现代学生公寓的用电需求,不安全的用电方式给学生以及学校都会造成一定的安全隐患。所以,研究并提出一种全新的学生公寓智能用电管理系统迫在眉睫。本设计从安全角度出发提出一种基于单片机的学生公寓智能用电管理设计方案,该方案由TLC1543 A/D转换器实现对电能信号的采样,然后由单片机AT89C51芯片对各个传感器传送来的数据进行实时处理,再通过通信模块串行总线RS485进行数据的传输,数据接收成功后利用串行通信接口与上位计算机进行远程通信,最后通过抗干扰滤波技术准确了解恶性负载的功率特性,实现恶性负载的识别。68357

    毕业论文关键词: AT89C51单片机,智能用电管理,信号采集,恶性负载识别

    Abstract: Nowadays,electricity is necessary for modern life, electricity load has become increasingly larger in the colleges and universities, the original power control method has been unable to adapt to the needs of modern student apartment electricity, unsafe way of electricity to the students and schools will cause some security risks. So, study and propose a new kind of student apartment intelligent power management system is imminent. This design from a security perspective, I propose a student apartment based on the microcontroller smart power management design scheme, The program consists of the A / D converter TLC1543  for power signal sampling, Then by the microcontroller AT89C51 chip for real-time processing of data transmitted by the various sensors, and then through the serial bus RS485 communication module for data transmission, After data receiving, the serial communication interface and the host computer are used to communicate remotely, finally, the power characteristics of the malignant load are accurately understood through anti interference filtering technology,and realize the recognition of the malignant load.

    Keywords:AT89C51 microcontroller, intelligent power management, acquisition of signal, malignant load identification


    1 绪论 4

    1.1 选题的目的与意义 4

    1.2设计现状与前景 4

    1.3本设计的分析 5

    2系统设计 6

    2.1单片机系统方案的分析 6

    2.1.1 设计有功功率测量方案及论证 6

    2.2 系统方案的设计 8

    3 系统硬件设计介绍 10

    3.1硬件设计思路 10

    3.2 基本构成 10

    3.3 单片机的选择 10

    4硬件设计 11

    4.1 AT89C51单片机简介 11

    4.2 单片机最小系统 14

    4.3 供电电路的设计 17

    4.4 继电器接口电路 19

    4.5 通信接口设计 20

    4.6 TLC1543与单片机接口 20

    4.7 采样电路设计 21

    5 软件程序设计 21

    5.1 程序设计思路 21

    5.2 用户电量计量程序设计 22

    5.3 恶性负载识别设计

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