




    毕业论文关键词 变压器  ansys仿真 电磁分析 材料尺寸


    Title  Performance analysis of power transformer 


    The main structure of transformer is made up of iron core and two or more than two of coil winding. Iron core, coil material selection of different size and transformer capacity selection has important influence on the performance of the transformer. we must rational calculate and choise,to save cost and reduse wear and tear on the basis of meeting the requirements of power system. So we need to have an electromagnetic analysis of transformer on the basis of theory, the visual test is to obtain the results. But every time design entity is waste of energy and money, so I need through the software simulation. Although there is no software can completely accurate calculate in view of the transformer, but through ansys software of finite element analysis can have simple analysis of magnetic field. The paper main content is pided into three parts:

    (1)according to the given parameters, through the theoretical formula to manually calculate the transformer of the material, size, number of turns and so on.、

    (2)focusing on the transformer for two-dimensional simulation analysis, measured under the condition of no-load magnetic field distribution and magnetic induction intensity, secondary voltage and coil impedance. And compared with theoretical calculation results of the simulation.

    (3)change the core material and size respectively, observing change magnetic field distribution, and discussed various factors that affect the performance of the transformer.

    Keywords  transformer Ansys simulation  electromagnetic analysis  material size 

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 变压器研究意义 1

    1.2 变压器研究现状与趋势 2

    1.3有限元分析技术 3

    2 变压器设计原理及电磁场分析原理 4

    2.1 变压器原理模型 4

    2.2 变压器设计计算基础 6

    2.3 电学有限元分析基本概念 6

    2.3.1 麦克斯韦方程 7

    2.3.2 边界条件 8

    3 电路-磁路耦合分析 9

    3.1 耦合场分析的定义 9

    3.2 耦合场分析的类型 9

    3.3电路-磁路耦合分析的具体步骤 10

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