


    毕业论文关键词    潮流计算  柔性交流输电  STATCOM  牛顿-拉夫逊算法  Matlab 


    Title  Method and Program Design for Power Flow Algorithm  Of Power System with FACTS          


    The purpose of power flow calculation is to plan and improve grid frame structure reasonable , set the reactive power compensation program to meet the needs of the voltage regulation and the phase modulation in the normal runtime and distribute the load reasonable to meet the specifications of lines and transformers. The application of FACTS elements and the development of the FACTS has given new solutions for AC system parameters, reactive power regulation and transmission capacity, which also leads to the traditional power flow calculation methods are no longer satisfied with the power grid with FACTS.

    The paper made a simple definition and classification of Flexible AC Transmission System(FACTS), and introduced several mainstream FACTS devices’basic working principles and their corresponding mathematical models, then did the basic expression of power flow calculation concepts and the requirements. In several commonly used algorithms, with better convergence ,the Newton-Raphson algorithm is studied .On the base of established mathematical model of FACTS devices, the traditional power flow calculation with Newton-Raphson method has been modified so that it can be used solve containing FACTS grid power flow calculation. Finally, a 9-node system with STATCOM was simulated using Matlab software, in order to verify the reliability and the convergence of the algorithm .

    Keywords  Flow calculation  FACTS  STATCOM  Newton-Raphson  Matlab

    目   次

    1   绪论1

    1.1 课题背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外现状   1

    1.3 论文的主要工作 3

    2   潮流计算  4

    2.1  概述4

    2.2  潮流计算问题的数学模型  4

    2.2.1 潮流计算问题的节点类型4

    2.2.2 节点功率方程5

    2.3   潮流计算的牛顿法 6

    2.3.1牛顿法的基本原理 6

    2.3.2 潮流计算的牛顿法求解过程9

    2.3.3 牛顿法的计算流程框图 11

       2.4 本章小结12

    3    含FACTS元件的潮流计算13

    3.1  FACTS装置的概述13

    3.2  含STATCOM的潮流计算  13

    3.3  含SSSC的潮流计算 16

    3.4  含TCSC的潮流计算 20

    3.5  本章小结 22

    4  算法编程及算例分析23

     4.1含STATCOM的算法设计 23

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