



    Title: platform screen door gated unit hardware design


    In modern society, urban rail transit service levels continue to improve, Our country rapid development of rail transport, metro has become an important means of transport in life one. Safety of passengers, station environment, energy and other requirements are also increasing accordingly. PSD system precisely because of these urban rail transport needs arising. It is set at the edge of urban rail transit station platform as a safety device, the train and the station platform waiting area to isolate the train arrival and departure can be automatically turned on and off, for passengers to create a safe and comfortable waiting environment Therefore PSD rail transit system has become the current hot topic of development. In this paper, the basic characteristics of PSD system and operation mode begins introduced after the right PSD control system hardware components were studied.

    This paper completes the hardware circuit shielding door control system design, including power system, control system and the design of drive circuit. Control unit LPC2129 microcontroller core, the design of the input output interface circuit, an external memory circuit and the watchdog circuit; Driver module to complex programmable logic device EPM2410T100 as the core, the design of the power drive circuit, over current detection circuit.

    Keywords: PSD system; Microcontrollers;Programmable Logic Devices

    目   次

    1 引言 1

    1.1 屏蔽门系统概述 1

    1.2 屏蔽门系统案例分析 2

    1.3 屏蔽门系统研究的内容 3

    2 屏蔽门系统特点及运行模式 4

    2.1 系统的特点 4

    2.2 系统的运行模式 5

    2.2.1 系统级控制 5

    2.2.2 站台级控制 7

    2.2.3 手动操作 7

    3 屏蔽门系统方案设计 7

    3.1屏蔽门控制子系统的构成 8

    3.1.1 门控单元(DCU)的组成 8

    3.1.2 门控单元(DCU)的功能 8

    3.1.3 中央接口盘(PSC) 9

    3.1.4 就地接口盘(PSL)

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