



    毕业论文关键词  电动汽车 人机界面 界面设计


    Title    Electric car charging pile interactive  process and interface design       



    With the obviously increasing energy depletion and environmental pollution problems becoming the problems of globalization, people began to realize that fuel vehicles are an indispensable reason of causing these problems. Therefore, with almost zero pollution and do not rely gasoline, the development of electric vehicles has become a new trend. There are more and more appropriate facilities for the development of electric vehicles.

    Electric car charging pile machine interface design is related research in this area. Its quality has an impact on availability of the device and the users’ satisfaction. Different people have different levels of cognitive ability and computer, the crowd’s complexity decides to the interface design’s comprehensiveness. During the operation, whether the interface is friendly and simple and whether function is comprehensive and allow users to enhance the efficiency conveniently are starting point for the electric car charging pile machine interface design research.

    This thesis, considered user-centered design of human-machine interface related theories and methods as a guide, analyses the development of man-machine interface of the domestic and foreign electric cars, based on the scope of the study of electric car charging pile HMI systems , combined with user-centered design of human-machine interfaces and conducted user groups and cognitive characteristics of the target user, and fully integrated above factors for the electric vehicle charging piles human interface design.

    Keywords electric vehicle  man-machine interface  interface design

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景1

    1.2  国内外研究发展现状综述2

    1.3  研究内容5

    2  电动汽车充电桩的人机界面系统分析 7

    2.1  人机界面研究范围7

    2.2  电动汽车充电桩9

    2.3  本章小结 10

    3  以用户为中心的人机界面设计方法研究11

    3.1  用户的含义 11

    3.2  以用户为中心的人机界面设计的思想 11

    3.3  以用户为中心的人机界面设计研究的目的 11

    3.4  以用户为中心的设计和评估的总体流程 12

    3.5  以用户为中心的电动汽车充电桩人机界面设计过程的构思 14

    3.6  本章小结 14

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