

    毕业论文关键词  机器人  聚集  能量感知  通讯  


    Title   Rendezvous of mobile agents with constrained  energy and intermittent communication            


    In the past decade, The multi-agent rendezvous problem has been studied extensively and many protocols have appeared in some literatures。This study addresses the rendezvous problem for networks of mobile agents with limited energy and intermittent communication. Each agent has a sensor to measure its energy storage and it can exchange the measured energy information with its neighbours periodically. We use Energy-aware     rendezvous protocol which can prevent the agents from depleting their energy to achieve rendezvous. Moreover, the agents with the least energy among their neighbours are allowed to remain static to conserve energy under the proposed protocol. In addition, if agents’ energy and the

    interaction topology satisfy certain conditions, the networked agents will converge to the location of the agent with the least energy in the network. In the end, we gathered effect by MATLAB simulation.

    Keywords  agents  rendezvous  Energy-aware   communication

    目   次

    摘要 2

    Abstract 3

    目录 4

    1 绪论 6

    1.1 引言 6

    1.2 研究背景和意义 6

    1.3 国内外研究现状 12

    1.4 本章的组织结构 13

    2 能量感知聚集协议 14

    2.1 引言 14

    2.2 问题与目标 14

    2.3 图形理论和矩阵理论中的初级符号 14

    2.4 能量感知聚集协议 15

    3 算法与仿真 18

    3.1 引言 18

    3.2 能量感知聚集协议下的算法 18

    3.3 仿真实验 21

    3.4 实验结论 24

    4 回顾与展望 24

    4.1 全文总结 24

    4.2 未来工作 25

    5 总结 26

    6 致谢 27

    7 参考文献 28

    1 绪论


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