

    毕业论文关键词     无线传感器网络  节点定位   定位算法   Matlab仿真  DV-Hop 

    Title   Design and Simulation of DV-Hop Localization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network


    With the development of the Internet of things, the wireless sensor network is a new processing method that can realize the monitoring function in a wide range of areas, and the location of nodes is the basic. Firstly, this article introduces the status and application background of WSN. Then talking about the node localization technology related principles, concepts and basic ranging technology. Finally emphatically reviewed the algorithm some representative principle. To get disadvantages of the DV-Hop algorithm by comparisoning. The paper introduces the three stages of the localization process. Then refer to a kind of improved algorithm, calculating the node position with the tikhonov method instead of three edge measuring method or the method of maximum likelihood position coordinates. Then obtaining the positioning error graphs, positioning errors with beacon nodes increase by using Matlab7.12.  Get the node localization error of this algorithm is lower than that of the traditional DV-Hop algorithm.

    Keywords  WSN  Node Location  Matlab Simulation  DV-Hop


    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1无线传感器网络发展背景及意义 1

    1.2 无线传感器网络的发展现状 3

    1.3  章节安排 4

    2. 无线传感器网络定位算法 5

    2.1相关概念及性能指标 5

    2.2 节点主要测距技术 6

    2.2.1 基于接收信号强度的测距技术 6

    2.2.2 根据信号到达时间测距 7

    2.2.3 根据到达时间差的测距技术 7

    2.2.4 根据到达角度测距 8

    2.3  无线传感器网络节点定位算法 8

    2.3.1  三边(多边)测量法 9

    2.3.2  三角测量法 10

    2.3.3  多边测量法的极大似然估计 10

    2.3.4  质心算法 12

    3  DV_Hop算法

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