


    Abstract:Substation is an important part of power system, it plays an important role in transformation and distribution of electric energy. Substation is mainly composed of power transformer, circuit breaker, isolating switch, voltage transformer, and current transformer. As the transmission and distribution hub, substation design should meet the reliable running, flexible operation, reasonable in economy and convenient expansion requirements. The main electrical wiring is the most important part of substation design, but also constitute the main part of power system. The main electrical wiring refers to the electrical equipment in accordance with design requirements to connect. It is the main circuit acceptance and distribution of electric energy . At the same time, it is also the electrical personnel operation and accident treatment basis.The main electrical wiring design directly affects the reliability of electric power, flexibility and economy. So the design of the main electrical wiring should be based on the design task as the basis, combined with the actual situation of engineering, to ensure reliable power supply, scheduling flexible circumstances, as far as possible to meet the economic, aesthetic principle.

    Keywords: Substation,the main electrical wiring,transformer,electrical equipment


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  110kV变电站的发展概述 1

    1.2  设计背景 1

    1.3  设计规模 1

    1.4  本设计的主要工作 2

    2  变电站设计的基本理论 3

    2.1  电气主接线 3

    2.2  短路电流计算 4

    2.3  电气主设备选择 4

    2.4  导线的选择 5

    2.5  防雷设计 5

    2.6  接地设计 6

    2.7  站用电及直流电设计 6

    3  变电站电气主接线设计 6

    3.1  常见的电气主接线方式 6

    3.2  初步方案设计与特点 10

    3.3  主接线设计方案分析 13

    4 电气主设备的选择 15

    4.1  电气设备选择的一般要求 15

    4.2  电气设备的选择及其校验 15

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