
    摘要风力发电机是将风能转化为电能的关键机电设备,随着风能利用在全球范围的迅速发展,其优化设计是降低风力发电成本的关键问题之一。为实现风电机组 优化设计,一方面通过软件仿真探索风电机组的运作机理,另外一方面可以通过 搭建风电机组的仿真实验平台模拟风电机组的运行状态。风力发电机组的仿真平 台用于模拟真实风电机组的运行状态,并帮助故障诊断系统的开发实现数据采集 的功能,成为风力发电机组故障诊断系统开发的一个重要组成部分。本文通过分 析自然风速的变化规律,探讨了风速的建模方法,使用 Matlab 对风电机组进行系 统建模和模拟,发掘风轮转速、转矩与风速的关系。将 PC 作为上位机通过串口通 信控制下位机西门子 6RA70 直流调速装置,在一套由直流调速装置、直流电机、 减速箱、增速箱和发电机组成的传动装置上实现了根据风速变化而对风轮转速进 行相应控制的过程,并且通过仿真结果与实验结果的对比验证了该控制过程的有 效性和与实际风电机组运行状况的对应关系。在此基础上,本文进一步分析了不 同湍流强度及湍流尺度风况下风机的运行状态差异,指出未来通过这个实验平台 及该风速控制算法可以进行的深层次研究,论证了该实验平台及转速控制在风电 机组优化设计上的重要意义。 

    本文属于自然科学基金面上项目“基于非线性动态系统状态估计的风 电机组故障诊断研究”的子课题,实现传动链实验平台等效风轮转速和转矩控制。 68424

    毕业论文关键字:风能 风力发电 风机建模


    Title Equivalent rotor speed control algorithm development and implementation on wind turbine drive train test rig 


    Wind turbine is a key device to convert wind energy into electricity. With rapid exploration of wind energy in the worldwide, it becomes important to develop wind turbine optimization design which is a key factor to reduce wind energy cost. Understanding wind turbine operational mechanism found a basis to achieve this goal. Two approaches is used here uncover and simulate wind turbine operational procedure, which are a wind turbine model and a properly designed physical drive train test rig. A physical drive train platform is a great help for fault detection and condition monitoring system development. In order to properly simulate wind turbine running state, a reasonable wind speed simulator which reproduces impacts of wind speed to rotor speed, rotor torque plays an important role on the drive train design. This paper develops a model to generate nature wind speed by combining two wind speed generation methods, which are four components wind speed analysis and spectrum analysis methods. A simulation is build on Matlab for the whole wind turbine to uncover relationships of wind speed, rotor speed, rotor torque and output power. According to this relationship, a speed control algorithm is developed for Siemens SIMOREG DC-Master 6RA70 which drives wind turbine drive train test rig. By comparing simulation result and experimental result, the validity of this algorithm is proved. Through a deep analysis of wind turbulence effects, the platform is proved to be practicability in future research and significance in wind turbine  optimization design.   

     Keyword: Wind Energy; Wind turbine; Simulation of wind turbine

    1 绪论  1 

    1.1 课题背景  1 

    1.2 风电机组介绍  2 


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