
    摘要现代的科学技术的飞速发展很大程度上提高了人们的生活质量和水平,同而也给人们的日常生活带来了极大的便捷。例如:新能源的不断发现,合成材料的研制,生产自动化程度的不断提高等。但是事物总是具有正反两面性的,科学技术在造福人类的同时,也会给人们日常生活带来一些负面影响。日常生活中接触到的液化气、天然气,各种电器,易燃的家装材料等等,都是我们生活中火灾发生的极大隐患。而居民小区作为一类人口密集的地方,更应当提高小区居民的防火防灾意识,从而减少或者避免险情的发生。小区发生火灾的案例屡见不鲜,一次次惨痛的教训告诉我们必须设计出比较完善的火灾报警系统。 70314


    毕业论文关键词:传感器  单片机  监控系统  报警装置

    Residential fire alarm system design based on MCU

    Abstract The rapid development of modern science and technology greatly improves people's quality of life, and has brought great convenience to people's daily lives. For example: the continuous discovery of new energy, manufacture of synthetic materials, producing ever-increasing degree of automation. But things always have positive and negative duality of science and technology benefit people at the same time, will also have negative impact on people's daily lives. Daily exposure to the gas, natural gas, electrical appliances, flammable decoration materials and so on, is the great hidden danger of fire in our lives. As a densely populated residential area where more should raise the community's awareness of fire prevention, so as to reduce or avoid dangerous situations. There are many cases of Community fire, and painful lessons tell us we have to design the perfect fire-alarm system.

    Based on the above, we proceed from the most common residential life, is to design a suitable residential base unit of the Community fire alarm system. The fire alarm system is based on the STC89C51 microcontroller as the core processor, acceptance, processing temperature sensor temperature signal and concentration of smoke sensor signals, sound and light alarm when a fire occurs and the monitoring system appeared in a timely manner. The system 24 hours a day, constantly detects smoke concentration and temperature in the home, and timely feedback to the alarm control, alarm control unit receives signals and monitor compares the normal range, so as to determine whether there is a fire.  Once the temperature sensors or smoke sensor receives the signal exception occurs, can realize sound and light alarm and monitoring system display, fault diagnosis, has simple structure, reliable, inexpensive, easy to operate, intelligence and so on. 

    Key Words: sensors  microcontroller  surveillance systems  alarm devices

    目 录

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    1  绪论 1


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