


    毕业论文关键词:离子敏场效应晶体管  传感器  单片机 

    The design of a pH sensor based on the ISFET

    Abstract Recently,people are very interested in a kind of sensor called ISFET pH sensor,the main contents are based on the design of a pH ISFET sensor. The main contents include background ion sensitive field effect transistor, the significance and the structure of ISFET, selection and working mechanism ISFET.On the other hand works include system software and hardware design. First, We understand ISFET (ion sensitive field effect transistor)background and direction of development through access to information, and the significance of domestic and foreign experts and current research studies. Then we study its structure and working principle,and put forward the hardware design of the system includes a signal reading circuit, the choice of microcontroller and A / D converters. Finally, summed up the whole system software frameworkthe and the system software framework test. 

    Key Words:Ion sensitive field effect transistor  The sensor  Single chip microcomputer

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II


    1绪论 1

    1.1课题研究的背景 1

    1.2研究的现状 1

    1.3研究的目的与意义 2

    1.4研究的主要内容 3

    1.5论文结构安排 4

    2 pH-ISFET传感器工作原理 5

    2.1 ISFET传感器简介 5

    2.2 pH-ISFET工作原理 7

    2.3本章小结 8

    3系统硬件设计 9

    3.1系统硬件结构框图 9

    3.2 信号读取电路 9

    3.3 A/D转换器 12

    3.4 AT89S51 单片机介绍 15

    3.5 数据存储器 18

    3.6 LED显示 18

    3.7 电源模块 19

    3.8硬件抗干扰 20

    3.9 本章小结 20

    4 软件设计 21

    4.1主程序设计 21

    4.2 初始化子程序 21

    4.3 A/D转换子程序 22

    4.4 显示子程序 22

    4.5 软件抗干扰 23

    4.6 本章小结

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