
    摘要:智能脉搏监测系统已被广泛使用在今天的生活,能够用来人体的健康情况进行监 测,广泛应用于医疗和卫生系统。设计了一种基于 51 单片机的脉搏测量仪,系统由 STC89C52 单片机、光电传感器以及相关信号调理电路组成。以定时器来计算时间,由光电传感器来接收信号。在系统运行过程中通过观察指示灯闪烁情况,如果均匀闪烁说 明测量值是比较准确的。利用红外光电传感器产生脉冲信号,然后经过放大、整形之后, 传输到单片机系统进行相应的计算,从而测量当时的脉搏。进行了系统安装与调试,结 果表明系统设计达到预期目标。70528

    毕业论文关键词:STC89C52,LCD 显示器,光电传感器

    Abstract: Pulse detection intelligent monitoring system has been widely used in today's life, can be used to the condition of the human body health monitoring, is widely used in medical and health system. Designed a kind of pulse measuring instrument based on 51 single chip microcomputer system by the STC89C52 single-chip computer, photoelectric sensor and related signal conditioning circuit. With timer to measure time, receiving signal by photoelectric  sensor. In system operation process by  observing  the indicator light     flashing,

    even if the flash showed that the measured value is more accurate. Using infrared electric sensor pulse signal, and then after amplification, plastic, transmitted to the single chip microcomputer system for the corresponding calculation, to measure the time of the pulse. Has carried on the system installation and debugging, results show that the system design to reach the expected aim.

    Key words: STC89C52,LCD display, Photoelectric sensor

    1 绪论 4

    1.1 选题的背景和意义 4

    1.2 脉搏测量仪的发展与应用 4

    2 总体方案的论证与设计 5

    2.1 主控模块的选型和论证 5

    2.2 显示模块的选型和论证 5

    2.3 传感器的选型和论证 5

    2.4 时钟芯片的选型和论证 6

    2.5 系统整体设计概述 6

    3 系统硬件电路设计 7

    3.1 主控模块 7

    3.1.1 STC89C52 单片机主要特性 7

    3.1.2 STC89C52 单片机的中断系统 8

    3.1.3 单片机最小系统设计 8

    3.2 LCD 液晶显示器简介 8

    3.2.1 液晶原理介绍 8

    3.2.2 液晶模块简介 9

    3.2.3 液晶显示部分与 STC89C52 的接口 9


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