

    毕业论文关键词 防空 反导 穿甲弹

    This paper introduces a design of the air defense and antimissile, improving the air threat target hit probability and the damage effect of antiaircraft gun model penetrators. Firstly, it analyzed the domestic and international air defense and antimissile current significance, secondly it analyzed the air target characteristics, and presented a new type of armor-piercing bomb core needs penetration equivalent thickness of the plate and then designed a new type of cluster-type structure APFSDS.And then it designs a master-slave structure of fin-stabilized sabot model penetrators, from vintage APDS structure, introducing the barrier removal device (cutting cord), realizing the principle of the new air defense.At the end of paper,the power of model penetrators were calculated, the whole trajectory were calculated, the in-bore stability were calculated.

    Keywords   Air defense   Antimissile  armor-piercer  

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 防空反导意义 1

    1.2 防空弹药在防空反导中的作用 2

    1.3 穿甲弹的特点 3

    1.4 新型防空穿甲弹概念 3

    1.5 本文研究的主要内容 4

    2  空中目标特性分析 5

    2.1 固定翼飞机 5

    2.2 精确制导导弹 6

    2.3 武装直升机 6

    2.4 空中目标厚度的确定 7

    2.4.1米-24武装直升机易损性等效模型 7

    2.4.2 米-24武装直升机关键部位易损性等效模型 8

    2.4.3集束穿甲弹弹芯侵彻目标厚度 9

    2.5本章小结 9

    3  弹丸的总体结构方案 10

    3.1尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹总体结构方案的选择 10

    3.1.1 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹的结构与作用[5] 10

    3.1.2  尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹的总体结构形式的分析[13] 11

    3.1.3 76mm尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹总体结构的选择 13

    3.2 飞行弹体的设计 13

    3.2.1 弹体材料 14

    3.2.2 穿甲结构设计 15

    3.2.3 弹体外形设计 18

    3.2.4  障碍排除装置 19

    3.3 弹托 20

    3.3.1 弹托材料 20

    3.3.2 弹托的作用及设计 20

    3.4 密封装置 24

    3.4.1 弹带(滑动弹带)

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