
    摘 要:本课题研究的主要内容为在传统的水塔供水系统中添加一个(PLC)和液压变送器以及其他设备。利用PLC以及模拟调试软件实现了对水位的控制,提出了一种更实用的水塔水位自动控制系统方案。为了节约资源,提高系统的供水质量,并利用可编程序逻辑控制器(PLC)、传感技术以及继电器等,设计出一种更实际水塔水位自动控制系统。利用硬件和软件程序相结合来实现低警戒时水位报警器,以及实现手动/自动随意切换的两种工作模式。水塔水位控制系统的改造,可以很好地改进可靠性。包括:检测水位、选择PLC类型、设计PLC输入/输出接口电路、PLC对水泵电机的控制等各种方面。供水是民生的重要行业,由于社会发展和人民生活水平的提高,对城市供水提出了更高的要求,为了满足及时、准确、安全以确保足够的水供应,如果仍然沿用人工方式,控制准确度很低,能源损耗大且安全性能很难保证,因此迫切需要改造水塔水位的自动化控制系统。可编程控制器(PLC)因其高可靠性和较高的性价比在工业控制中得到广泛的应用。针对目前最流行的控制技术,采用可编程控制器和传感器构成恒水位控制系统。本文通过对水塔水位控制系统的自动化改造,建立起一种高可靠、更安全、而且更容易维护的水位供水自动化系统。70630


    Abstract:The main contents of the study design is based on the traditional water towers, adding a PLC and hydraulic transmitters and other equipment. Using PLC configuration software and controlling the water level, which provides a practical water tower level control scheme. For the sake of conserving resources and improving the quality of the system of water supply, consider using a programmable logic controller, relay and sensor technology, design a more practical water tower water level auto control system. Hardware and software programs for low warning level alarm, and switching manual / automatic two methods of work based.Water tower water level control system of the transformation, is a good way to improve the reliability . Comprising: detecting the water level and choose various aspects PLC type, design PLC input / output interface circuit, PLC control of the pump motor. Water is one of the important industry of the people's livelihood, owing to social advances and remarkable improvement in people's living standards , the urban water supply put forward higher request, for the purpose of meeting timeliness, preciseness and safety and ensuring adequate water supply, if still used manual mode, control precision low , energy consumption and security not be guaranteed, it is necessary to transform the tower level control automation systems. Due to high reliability and high cost performance,Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)has been widely used in industrial control. In view of the present most popular control technology, programmable controllers and sensors constituting the constant water level control system. Through the water tower automatic control system transformation, the establishment of a reliable, secure, and easy to maintain water supply systems.

    Key words: Programmable logic controllers (PLC), water tower, automatic control

    目 录

    1 水塔水位的发展与应用 5

    1.1 水塔水位的发展 5

    1.1.1 水塔水位的历史 5

    1.1.2 水塔水位的应用 5

    2 水塔水位的方案选择 6

    2.1 系统方案论证 6

    2.2 PLC的选择 7

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