


    本文设计了一种由PLC控制的运料小车,该小车能在装料站完成装料过程,然后根据5个卸料站点的呼叫信号运行到相应呼叫站点进行卸料,卸料完成之后返回装料站等候下一个信号。本文对小车的控制系统,其中包括硬件系统和软件系统进行了详细的设计,并采用三菱PLC编程软件GX Developer ,对系统程序进行了仿真分析。


    ABSTRACT :In recent years, with the rapid development of microelectronics technology and the development of science and technology, programmable control technology has been widely used in automatic control field, series programmable controller (PLC) with its high reliability and easy to operate, and other characteristics, has become an industrial control indispensable part.

    Programmable controller, the traditional relay contactor control technology, communication technology and computer technology integration, designed for industrial control and health, the general automatic control device for its high reliability and working environment adaptability and convenient performance characteristics, the technical personnel in the field of automation to their favor.

    In this paper, a PLC control car transporter, the car in the loading station to complete the loading process, and then run according to the five discharge site call signal to the corresponding call site discharge, after the completion of the discharge Returning Assemblies feed station waits for the next call signal. The detailed design of the control system of the car line, including hardware and software systems, combined with Mitsubishi PLC programming software GX Developer, the system program line simulation analysis. 

    Keywords: PLC,transporter cart,control system

    目  录

    1绪  论 1

    1.1 课题的提出背景 1

    1.2 运料小车的发展概况 1

    1.2.1手动控制 1

    1.2.2自动控制 1

    1.3 本课题的主要工作 1

    2可编程控制器(PLC)概述 3

    2.1 可编程序控制器定义 3

    2.2.1编程方法简单易学 3

    2.2.2硬件配套齐全,用户使用方便 3

    2.2.3通用性强,适应性强 3

    2.2.4可靠性高,抗干扰能力强 3

    2.2.5体积小,能耗低 4

    2.3 PLC的应用领域 4

    2.3.1开关量逻辑控制 4

    2.3.2运动控制 4

    2.3.3通信 4

    2.4 PLC的基本结构 4

    3运料小车控制系统及硬件选型设计 5

    3.1 系统的运行方式,如图3.1所示 5

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