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时间:2020-04-01 20:43来源:毕业论文
[24] Perlis Thottathil:The Internal Transfer of Income from exporters to importers within a foreign exchange control regime: an Indian case,Applied Economics, 1988 [25] Abbes Asosheh, Hadi Shahidi

[24] Perlis Thottathil:The Internal Transfer of Income from exporters to importers within a foreign exchange control regime: an Indian case,Applied Economics, 1988

[25] Abbes Asosheh,  Hadi Shahidi-Nejad,  Hourieh Khodkari :A Model of a Localized Cross-Border E-Commerce,iBusiness, 2012

[26] Estrella Gomez-Herrera,  Bertin Martens,  Geomina Turlea:The drivers and impediments for cross-border e-commerce in the EU,Information Economics and Policy, 2014

[27] Xi Zhao, Yingjun Sun: A study of Third-party online payment: risk control and supervision analysis, The Eleventh Wuhan international conference on E-Business---- E-Business AND Development Track, May, 2012
