摘要:浓郁的东北黑土地域文化孕育了具有鲜明乡土意识的“东北作家群”,相同的地域文化下衍生了共同的勤劳善良、勇敢坚强的文化性格,也使相同的审美趣逐渐显现。作家们在饱受战乱痛苦的深刻体验下,用清醒的民族意识为黑土地作呐喊,在许多作品中充满着对东北黑土地的深刻眷恋与大地上生活的人民的深深同情。而端木蕻良作为 “东北作家群”的重要的代表作家,创作了大量的乡土小说,由于在其作品中凝聚着对故乡土壤的深刻而强烈的爱,有着浓烈的“土地情结”,更是对土地有着血浓于水的深厚感情。他的小说连续不断在解读着、表现着东北地域文化特色。端木蕻良出身于科尔沁大草原上,从小在他的血液中注满着东北地域文化的因子,这种潜意识的精神动机,自然使他有着迥异于别人的地域文化构思。在地域文化大背景下,端木蕻良把草原大地作为小说独特的地域文化意象,把民族意识与文化意识结合起来,呈现出鲜明的审美特征。60621
毕业论文关键词:端木蕻良 土地意象 民族精神
Abstract: Rich black soil of Northeast regional culture with distinctive local awareness of the "northeast writer group", the same regional culture derived from the common good hard-working, brave and strong cultural character, also make the same aesthetic taste gradually. The writers in the war-torn profound experience of pain, with a clear national consciousnessas the cry of the black land, in many works are full of sympathy and profound attachmentto the earth on the black soil in Northeast People's life.But as "DuanmuHongliang northeast writer group" important representative writers, writingnovels a lot, in his works embody the hometown soil deep and strong love, full of” land complex”, there are more deep feelings of blood is thicker than water on the land. His novels have been interpreted, with the Northeast regional culture characteristics. It was born in Horqin prairie, grew up in his blood filled with factors of Northeast regional culture, this kind of subconscious spirit motive, that he has a natural geographical and culturalideas different from others Northeast .In the geographical and cultural background, Mizuki Ra put the earth as a novel regionalgrassland unique cultural image, the national consciousness and the cultural consciousnesstogether, showing a distract aesthetic features.
Key words:DuanMu the earth imagery the national spirit
一 大地之子——端木蕻良
作为生活在黑土地上的端木蕻良,他始终是土地最忠实的儿子,也一直心系土地。在厚实的黑土地上,和农民接触,感悟他们的生活方式以及在他们身上所能看到的顽强意志力和朴实勤劳的精神。然而在“九一八“事变后,东北黑土地被日寇侵占,他被迫离开了象征他生命中对家乡土地情结的鴜鹭树。此刻的他也莫过于和逃离东北的流亡作家一样变成了无家的流亡者。正是有了深刻的漂泊经历,所以他绝不是一个普通意义上的乡土作家或者寻根作家,他也不像其他作家一样盲目的追求地域风情、民俗、人物的独特性,然而同时又忽视了具有深刻意蕴的主题。而是以沉郁的叙述笔调,并且联系自身的生活经历,对土地有着一种既感激又愤恨的矛盾心理,可以说,通过对地域长期沉淀下来的民情风俗、精神文化的揭露,既表现出未来美好生活的追求,同时又是对愚昧落后的东北大地的真实反映。 土地意象与民族精神风貌端木蕻良的小说世界:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_66135.html