毕业论文关键词 石墨烯 狄拉克费米子 弹道输运 反常量子霍尔效应 化学气相沉淀法 外延生长法 储氢材料 石墨烯辅助探测
Title Review of the recent development of graphene
Graphene, a true wonder two-dimensional material, has unique electronic properties, such as anomalous Quantum Hall Effect, ballistic transport, etc. It also possesses high transparency , mechanical strength and thermal conductivity, which together with its excellent electronic properties make it more promising in many applications that include electronic devices, hydrogen storage, solar cell, transparent electrodes, sensors, composites. With the development of graphene synthesis, large-scale graphene with high quality can be produced now, which make some applications come true in the laboratory. This review highlights the recent development of graphene properties, graphene synthesis and its applications and prospects the future development in this field.
Keywords graphene Dirac fermions ballistic transport anomalous- Quantum Hall Effect Chemical Vapor Deposition epitaxial growth hydrogen storage graphene-aided detection
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 碳家族简介 1
1.2 石墨烯的结构 2
1.2.1 几何结构 2
1.2.2 电子的能带结构 3
1.3 本文的内容和目的 5
2 石墨烯的历史简介 6
2.1 理论发展历史 6
2.2 实验发展历史 6
2.3 发展趋势 7
3 石墨烯的性质 8
3.1 石墨烯的电学性质 8
3.1.1 高迁移率 8
3.1.2 弹道电子输运 8
3.1.3 双极电场效应 9
3.1.4 最小电导率 10
3.1.5 量子霍尔效应 11
3.1.6 带隙可调 14
3.2 石墨烯的热学性质 14
3.3 石墨烯的光学性质 石墨烯研究进展综述:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_72813.html