Analysis on Intelligent-entertainment Programs in the Mainland of China
Abstract: There is no doubt that intelligent-entertainment programs have gained great popularity among people for the past three years. The thesis analyzes the reasons why Intelligent-entertainment programs are so popular in terms of the open social background, entertainment media environment and audiences standard so that it proves that these programs meet the audience’s needs and enrich their life. However, this kind of programs is faced with lack of innovation, homogenization, irrationality of programs is faced with lack of innovation, homogenization, irrationality of question-designing, simplification, and excessive entertainment. It is beneficial to analyze these problems and put forward corresponding development countermeasures, which is of practical and instructive significance to explore the development path of intelligent-entertainment programs.
Key words: Intelligent-entertainment programs; homogenization; entertainment
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract . 1
一、益智娱乐类节目历史渊源与现状 2
二、益智娱乐类节目走红原因分析 2
(一)开放的社会背景 3
(二)娱乐化的媒介环境 3
(三)受众本位的体现 4
三、益智娱乐类节目存在问题 4
(一)节目缺乏创新,同质化现象 4
(二)题目设计不合理,甚至简单化倾向 5
(三)娱乐功能偏重,过度娱乐化倾向 6
四、益智娱乐类节目发展策略 8
(一)对引进节目进行本土化改造 8
(二)强化节目题库的内涵和质量 10
(三)娱乐功能与益智功能平衡发展 10
参考文献 13
所谓益智娱乐类节目,就是知识型的综艺节目,它是海外games show的中国化产物,具有很强的知识色彩和娱乐性,同时强调主持人与参加者、现场观众、电视机前观众的广泛互动。 益智娱乐类节目作为一个舶来品,是20世纪90年代开始引入我国。期间,观众体验到了由《幸运52》《开心辞典》等节目带来的全民答题热潮;同时也经历了这类节目的逐渐衰落与低迷。益智娱乐类节目的低迷并不是它已经在退出了中国荧屏,而是在暂时的低迷期中酝酿新的发展,成功涅槃。《一站到底》《开门大吉》的播出预示着新的收视热潮正在向观众席卷而来。
中国大陆益智娱乐类节目的雏形出现于80年代,在这期间各知识类的节目纷纷出现在荧屏之上,但是总体上皆呈现出娱乐性不足专业性有余的特征。问答方式比较呆板,考察的内容过度专业,主题太甚鲜明,缺乏有效的互动。因而,此类节目并未长地得到观众的关注。 当下中国大陆益智娱乐类节目探析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_18573.html