1.5 Overall Structure of the Paper
The present paper consists of four parts altogether, which form an integrated whole.
The first part serves as the Introduction, which briefly talks about the background, purpose, significance and method and approach of the research.
The second part is Literature Review, introducing the previous studies both at home and abroad. It concerns about the relative researches of poetry translation and the different strategies, Xu Yuanchong’s “sanmei” in translation practice and its strength and weakness, the application of functional equivalence in poetry translation, and different aspects such as images and figurative language translation in poems.
The third part serves as the core of the paper, analyzing the two aspects about the translation of images and figures of speech in Xu Yuanchong’s translation works. In this part, the author will demonstrate the strategies in Professor Xu’s version, have a detailed analysis between those translations which are translated equivalently or not and also elaborate some personal understanding.
The last part is Conclusion, presenting a brief summary of the content in previous three chapters. It can be seen clearly that Professor Xu’s translation has substantially reached the standard of functional equivalence theory. On one hand, he brings the closest natural equivalents of natural images in original poems; while for those cultural images, it is not easy to translate them with equivalents and make target language readers understand. So some of the cultural images can only be translated in sense. On the other hand, the translation of figures of speech has also been equivalent. Professor Xu has applied different strategies in translating personification, hyperbole and metaphor according to their different meanings in each poem. Usually, literal translation, translating in sense, simplification, explanation and transferring are the basic methods. Also, it will point out some limitations of the paper and the directions for future study. 从《史记》看许渊冲对中国古典诗歌的翻译 (4):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_20153.html