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时间:2018-10-20 15:28来源:英语论文
The first one is the introduction. It will give a brief introduction of the current stydy and Xu Yuanchong himself, including his life and his experiences.The following are the purpose , the siginific

   The first one is the introduction. It will give a brief introduction of the current stydy and Xu Yuanchong himself, including his life and his experiences.The following are the purpose , the siginificance and the structure of the thesis.
   The second part approaches Sheng Shengman to understand the works and the author-Li Qingzhao. And to grasp the works’ background. As we all know, before enjoying the translation you must understand the original first.
   The third part is theoretical framework.I will elaborate the theory of Beauty in Three Aspect , the Subjectivity of the translator and the Theory of Teleology that reflected in the translation works. In the forth chapter, I will discuss the translation from the three aspects and look at Xu from the perspective of other people and himself. This translation theory are the most representative one of his translation style.
   The last part is a brief conclusion. In the conclusion,I will present a clear summary. I will summarize the thesis and express my respects to professor Xu. 许渊冲《声声慢》翻译的研究(3):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_24563.html