摘要本研究对理工大学和审计学院共200 名非英语专业本科四年级学生进行了调查,调查其跨文化敏感度的现状和存在的问题。调查结果表明,非英语专业本科四年级学生跨文化敏感度5 因素中差异认同感水平最高,交际参与度,交际愉悦感和交际专注度水平依次排后,交际信心水平最低。皮尔逊相关分析表明,跨文化敏感度多个因素之间存在正相关关系,因此交际信心水平可以通过提高其他4 个因素的水平得到提高。大学英语四级成绩和跨文化敏感度的相关分析表明,基础英语技能对提高跨文化敏感度水平也起着重要的作用。此外,本调查添加的开放性问题表明学生更加偏爱有趣而非直接的接触异族文化的方式。32278
毕业论文关键词 跨文化敏感度 皮尔逊相关分析 差异认同感 交际信心
Title On Intercultural Sensitivity of Non-English-major Seniors and Some Implications on English Teaching
Abstract This study investigates the intercultural sensitivity of non-English-major seniors by distributing100 questionnaires in each of the two universities, Nanjing Audit University and NanjingUniversity of Science and Technology. The result shows that among the five dimensions ofintercultural sensitivity, students perform best in Respect for Cultural Differences and worst inInteraction Confidence. According to Pearson correlation analysis, the five factors are closelycorrelated with each other, which provides some solutions on how to enhance interculturalsensitivity. Besides, students’ CET4 grades also illustrates that improving basic English skillshelps to enhance intercultural sensitivity. All of these findings have great implications onEnglish teaching and this paper gives some suggestions.
Keywords intercultural sensitivity Pearson correlation analysis Respect for CulturalDifferences Interaction Confidence
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background Information 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 1
1.3 Research Questions.. 1
1.4 Organization.2
2 Literature Review 3
2.1 Definition of Key Terms 3
2.2 Review of Previous Studies. 3
2.3 Summary 5
3 Methodology..6
3.1 Subjects.. 6
3.2 Research Instruments.. 6
3.3 Data Collection Methods and Procedure7
3.4 Data Processing Methods..7
4 Results and Discussion. 8
4.1 Intercultural Sensitivity of Non-English-major Seniors 8
4.2 Correlation of the Five Dimensions. 8
4.3 The Correlation of Intercultural Sensitivity and Basic English Skills. 11
4.4 Ways of Cultural Contact to Improve Intercultural Sensitivity13
Acknowledgements. 17
Bibliography 18
Appendix Questionnaire on Intercultural Sensitivity. 20
List of Tables
Table 3.1 ISS Sample Items. 6
Table 4.1 Mean Value of the Five Dimensions..8
Table 4.2 Assessment Criteria of Correlation. 9
Table 4.3 Correlation of the Five Dimensions9
Table 4.4 Comparison of the Two Universities.. 11
Table 4.5 Correlation of CET Grades and Intercultural Sensitivity..12
Table 4.6Ways of Cultural Contact.. 13
1 Introduction
1.1 Background InformationDevelopment of technology, widespread immigration and deemphasis of nation-state allcontribute to people’s needs to communicate with people from different cultures (Chen, 2009).Therefore, intercultural communication competence has become increasingly important. As anemerging subject which originates from several decades ago, intercultural communication hasalways attracting scholars all of the world. Numerous studies have been done in this field.Intercultural communication competence is comprised of cognitive, emotional and behavioralability and intercultural sensitivity belongs to the emotional aspect (Chen & starosta, 2000).Therefore, intercultural sensitivity is an essential component of intercultural sensitivity. In otherwords, intercultural communication can not be improved without improving intercultural sensitivity.Important as it is, however, intercultural sensitivity has not been paid as much attention asintercultural communication competence has. 非英语专业本科四年级学生跨文化敏感度的研究及其对英语教学的启示:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_28784.html