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时间:2019-05-03 08:28来源:英语论文
Abstract ii 摘要. iii 1 Introduction 1 2. An Overview of the Heuristic Mode of Teaching 3 2.1 The Concept of Heuristic Teaching 3 2.2 Characteristics of Heuristic Teaching 4 2.3 The Advantages of He

Abstract    ii
摘要. iii
1 Introduction    1
2. An Overview of the Heuristic Mode of Teaching    3
2.1 The Concept of Heuristic Teaching    3
2.2 Characteristics of Heuristic Teaching    4
2.3 The Advantages of Heuristic Teaching    5
3. Theoretical Foundation of the Heuristic Mode of Teaching    7
3.1 The Learning Theory of Constructivism    7
3.2 The Instruction of Constructivism to Heuristic Teaching    8
4. Learning Problems in Primary School English Classroom and An Analysis of Reasons    10
4.1 Learning Problems in Primary School English Classroom    10
4.2 Reasons Leading to the Learning Problems    11
5. The Application of Heuristic Modes of Teaching in Primary School’s English Classroom    13
5.1 The Method of Advising and Enlightening    13
5.2 The Method of Posing Questions    13
5.3 The Method of Being Deliberately Wrong    14
5.4 The Method of Contrasting    15
5.5 The Method of Creating Situations    15
6. Suggestions and Principles Noticeable in the Application of the Heuristic Teaching    17
6.1 The Principle of Inspiring in the Key Points    17
6.2 Emphasis on the Effectiveness of Guiding Students    17
6.3 Emphasis on Making the Teaching More Interesting    18
7. Conclusion    19


1 Introduction
As a major part of school teaching system in China, English teaching plays a very important role in improving students’ skill of using English as well as  the realization of the all-round development of each inpidual student. However, while making a general survey of the development of English teaching in Chinese schools, we can find that traditional English teaching overemphasizes the basic usage of English, ignoring the cultivation of students’ practical ability of using English. The reason for the status is the influence of examination-oriented education which causes teachers to spoon-feed knowledge to students for a long time. There is no doubt that it would seriously hinder students’ self-development and self-actualization.
Quality-oriented education is the main direction of the current education reform, which lays emphasis on the cultivation of creativity and ability. Moreover, classroom teaching is one of the main ways to cultivate students’ spirit of innovation and capability. Therefore, teachers had better use Heuristic Mode of Teaching effectively to arouse students’ learning interest and develop their intelligence.

Traditional teaching is a teacher-centered cramming method of teaching. What students should learn, how to learn and whether they are wrong or not depend on teachers’instructions and evaluation. Teachers are absolutely authorities in the part of controlling students so that they dare not oppose but passively accept what they are taught. That’s why currently so many students have high scores but poor abilities. As a result, students come to ignore their enthusiasm, initiative and creativeness over time, which is bad for their growth. 浅谈小学英语课堂中启发式教学法的应用(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_32890.html