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时间:2019-06-02 16:59来源:英语论文
3.3 hǎo kn 好看 beautiful 9 3.4 shōu zu 收作deal with 11 3.5 lǎo luǎn 老乱 freaking awesome 12 4 Morphological Changes in the Grammaticalization of Impolite Discourse in Vernacular Shanghai

3.3 hǎo kàn 好看 beautiful    9
3.4 shōu zuò 收作deal with    11
3.5 lǎo luǎn 老乱 freaking awesome    12
4 Morphological Changes in the Grammaticalization of Impolite Discourse in Vernacular Shanghai Dialect    14
4.1 xiá xiá nóng 谢谢侬 Thank you    14
4.2 bāng bāng máng 帮帮忙 help me    15
4.3 lái sāi 来塞 be good at    16
4.4 yóu kóng 有空 have a minute    16
4.5 suān zhāng 算账 do accounts    17
5 Motivation of the Grammaticalization of the Phrases    19
6 Conclusion    20
 1 Introduction
One definition of grammaticalization is "the change whereby lexical items and constructions come in certain linguistic contexts to serve grammatical functions, and once grammaticalized, continue to develop new grammatical functions" (Hopper and Traugott 2003:18). Grammaticalization is the process in which a lexical word or a word cluster loses some or all of its lexical meaning and starts to fulfill a more grammatical function. Where grammaticalization takes place, nouns and verbs which carry certain lexical meaning develop over time into grammatical items such as auxiliaries, case markers, inflections and sentence connectives. Research finds that some impolite phrases can be derived from general phrases with lexical meaning in the process of grammaticalization.

The term "grammaticalization" was first coined by the French linguist Antoine Meillet (1912) who first used it in the context in which it is still used today. Meillet's well-known definition of grammaticalization was "the attribution of grammatical character to an erstwhile autonomous word".

It was not until the 1970s, with the growth of interest in discourse analysis and linguistic universals that the study of grammaticalization began to develop. A great influential work in the domain is Christian Lehmann's Thoughts on Grammaticalization (1982). This is the first work to emphasize the continuity of research from the earliest period to the present, and it provides a survey of the major work in the field. Lehmann also invents a set of 'parameters', a method along which grammaticality can be measured both synchronically and diachronically. Hopper and Traugott (2003) also state that the cline of grammaticalization has both diachronic and synchronic implications. Based on their achievements, this study on grammaticalization of impolite discourse in vernacular Shanghai dialect will be a synchronic one, probing into the process of the grammaticalization of some impolite phrases in Shanghai dialect and the motivation of the changes.

This paper mainly explores some impolite discourse in vernacular Shanghai dialect. The analysis will be based on some classic theories and it will focus on investigating the process of grammaticalization and the motivation of the changes of some phrases moving from lexical to grammatical with their impolite implications arising. The data of this research will be collected from daily conversations for the study. Manual work is needed to analyze all the examples present in the selected materials. Firstly, the impolite phrases should be identified and categorized. Then, metaphoric factors in grammaticalization and morphological changes in grammaticalization will be analyzed. Finally, the motivation of the grammaticalization will be expounded. 上海话中不礼貌话语的语法化(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_34194.html