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时间:2019-07-12 22:22来源:英语论文
Analysis of English Translation of Chinese Tourism Texts from the Perspective of Text Typology Theory,英语论文文本类型理论视角下中文旅游文本英译的探析

摘 要随着我国对外旅游业的发展,中文旅游文本的英译越来越被人们所重视。发展旅游业的当务之急是提供优质的旅游文本翻译。然而,中国现有旅游文本的翻译质量存在许多问题。本文借助文本类型理论,对中文旅游文本的英译进行了尝试性的探析,主要分析了中文旅游文本英译中存在的一些问题,并提出中文旅游文本英译的几点策略.本文旨在提高中文旅游文本英译质量。36967
毕业论文关键词:中文旅游文本;文本类型理论;中英翻译; 翻译策略
 Abstract English translation of Chinese tourism texts have been developed with foreign tourism and become more important. The urgent task for developing tourism is to provide highly qualified translation of Chinese tourism texts. However, there are still many problems in the translation of Chinese tourism texts. The paper makes a tentative analysis on English translation of Chinese tourism texts, mainly analyzes existing problems in Chinese tourism texts translation, and puts forward some translation strategies from the perspective of text typology theory. This paper aims to improve the quality of the English translation of Chinese tourism texts.
Key words: Chinese tourism texts; Text typology theory; C-E translation;Translation strategies.
 Analysis of English Translation of Chinese Tourism Texts from the Perspective of Text Typology Theory
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. Definition and Features of Text Typology Theory    2
2.1 Definition of Text Typology Theory    2
2.2 Features of Text Typology Theory    3
Ⅲ. Chinese Tourism Texts and Their Translation    5
3.1 Chinese Tourism Texts    5
3.1.1 Definition of Chinese Tourism Texts...5
3.1.2 Basic Features of Chinese Tourism Texts..6
3.2 English Translation of Chinese Tourism Texts    6
3.2.1 Analysis of English Translation of Chinese Tourism Texts..6
3.2.2 Problems of English Translation of Chinese Tourism Texts..8
IV. The Strategies of Tourism Texts Translation    10
4.1 Literal Translation    10
4.2 Amplification    12
4.3 Omission    13
4.4 Adapted Translation    15
4.5 Paraphrase    17
V. Conclusion    18
Bibliography    20
Acknowledgements    21
I. Introduction
Tourism is the world’s largest service industry in today’s culture. China is a vast land, which has a long history. At present, tourism in China has greatly expanded over the last few decades since the beginning of reform and opening. The emergence of a newly rich middle class and an easing of restrictions on movement by the Chinese authorities are both fueling this travel boom. China has become one of the world hottest tourism markets. The world is on the cusp of a sustained Chinese tourism boom. According to the World Tourism Organization in 2020, China will become the largest tourism destination and the fourth largest exporter of tourism (Zhu 3).This can be achieved by a final decision of a number of factors. But there is no doubt that the quality of the translation of the text will play a very important role and influence the development of tourism. It is difficult to translate Chinese tourism texts because of the English words and huge cultural differences. With the development of Chinese tourism industry, tourism will become an important part of the development strategy. So the Chinese tourism texts translation is the priority among priorities. And the aims are to transmit the cultural information to visitors. It will attract more tourists and let the world understand China. The quality of Chinese tourism texts into English is related to advocating and enhancing the image of Chinese tourism attractions. It is related to the ability to attract more potential visitors. It is beneficial for the foreign visitors to understand the cultural heritage of Chinese tourism landscape, which is a main task for tourism texts translators. The paper will analyzes English translation of Chinese tourism texts from the perspective of text typology theory which is made by German scholar Katharina Reiss and British scholar Peter Newmark. According to text typology theory, there is no single absolute translation strategy, which can guide all translation activities. The core of text typology theory in translation studies is that different types of texts require different translation strategies. This paper intends to bring forward some translation strategies on C-E tourism translation from the perspective of text typology theory. The popular translation theorist, Eugene Nida, once said: “In any translation there will be a type of semantic content, but the process should be so designed as to keep this to a minimum”. (69) 文本类型理论视角下中文旅游文本英译的探析:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_35645.html