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时间:2020-03-08 20:59来源:英语论文
An Eco-feminist Interpretation of Eustacia’s Tragedy in The Return of the Native,英语论文从生态女性主义视角解读《还乡》中游苔沙的悲剧原因

ABSTRACT Thomas Hardy is one of the greatest writers in British literature history. Nature and women play an important role in Hardy’s works for they bring enormous inspiration and creativity to Hardy. He is the writer with an eco-feminism consciousness. In his opinion, nature and women are closely connected. Nature is the protector of women while women are the symbol of nature. Hardy can combine nature with women perfectly in his works.
Eco-feminism claims that women and nature are closely linked. People pay more attention to Eco-feminism in the 1990s but the theory was not established until 1970s. Eco-feminism was first coined by Francoise d’Eaubonne in her Le Feminism ou La Mort. Eco-feminism thinks that women have a special connection to the environment and the root cause of women and nature’s tragedy is the patriarchal society. Eco-feminists call for a new understanding between human and nature. The rise of Eco-feminism helps arouse people’s attention to the environment and many people use it to analyze literature works.46188
The Return of the Native is Hardy’s first important tragic novel. The heroine in this novel is Eustacia. The paper aims to elaborate the reason of Eustacia’s tragedy in the light of Eco-feminism to call people to pay more attention to protect nature and live in harmony with nature.
The thesis consists of an introduction, a literature review, the main body and a conclusion. The first part is introduction, which is mainly about research background, significance and aim.
The second part is literature review which summarizes the previous study of The Return of the Native and introduces the research emphasis of the paper.
The body part is pided into three parts. The first part is the introduction of Eco-feminism introducing the development and main ideas of Eco-feminism. The second part is on Hardy’s view of nature and women. The third part is the analysis of Eustacia’s tragedy in the light of Eco-feminism. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the thesis and advocates people pay more attention to women and nature.
Keywords: Eco-feminism; women; nature; patriarchal society
 摘  要托马斯在•哈代是英国文学史上最伟大的作家之一。 女性和自然在哈代的文学作品中扮演着很重要的角色,他们是哈代创作灵感的来源。 哈代是一位有生态女性意识的作家, 他十分关注自然和女性。哈代认为自然与女性是紧密联系在一起的,在他的文学作品中, 哈代总是能将自然与女性完美地结合在一起。
生态女性主义运动是一场将女性与生态主义联系在一起的运动。 它为女性与自然是紧密联系在一起的。1974年, 法国女性主义者弗朗西斯瓦•德•奥波妮在《女性主义毁灭》中最先提出了生态女性主义这一术语,20世纪90年代,生态女性主义引起了人们的关注。生态女性主义认为女性与自然之间有着特殊的内在联系,造成女性与自然悲剧的最根本原因是父权制社会。
 Table of Contents
1    Introduction    1
2    Literature Review    2
3    Eco-feminism    4
3.1    The Development of Eco-feminism    4 从生态女性主义视角解读《还乡》中游苔沙的悲剧原因:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_47850.html