(2). 文理科生在词汇学习策略的使用上并无显著的差异,同时文理科生都较少使用构词法。
(3). 男女生有各自所喜好的词汇学习策略,但除了女生比男生更为频繁地借助查字典来学习词汇以外,两者在其他策略的使用上均无显著性差异。
毕业论文关键词:词汇学习策略; 非英语专业学生; 认知策略; 元认知策略
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Purpose and Significance 1
1.3 Layout 2
2. Literature Review 3
2.1 Definition of VLS 3
2.2 Classification of VLS 3
2.3 Previous Studies on VLS 4
2.3.1 Abroad 4
2.3.2 In China 5
3. Research Methodology 7
3.1 Research Questions 7
3.2 Participants 8
3.3 Instruments 8
3.4 Data Collection and Analysis 8
4. Results and Discussion 10
4.1 General Situation of VLSU among Non-english Majors 10
4.2 Difference of VLSU between Science Majors and Art Majors 12
4.3 Difference of VLSU between Male Students and Female Students 13
5. Conclusion and Implications 16
5.1 Findings 16
5.2 Implications 16
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions 17
References 19
1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background
It is well known that learning second language involves the learning of a large number of vocabulary. In the 1970s, the status of vocabulary has been raised with the application of Communicative language Teaching Approach. And English linguist George W.Wilkins (1972) also claimed the importance of vocabulary in learning language by saying that “ no grammar, less expression; no vocabulary, no expression”.
Concerning the significance of vocabulary in learning second language, scholars abroad and in China has conducted a large number of theoretical and empirical researches to study the vocabulary learning strategies in order to facilitate vocabulary learning. The scholars in China, on one hand, pay more attention to vocabulary learning strategy use of high school students and English major students who are not typical enough for study. On the other hand, they concerned about the general condition of students’ vocabulary learning strategy uses as well as the relationship between strategy employment and beliefs. However, there are many other factors influencing the strategy use, such as gender, major and so on. What’s more, after reading the two researches carried out by Yang Li and Fan Lin, the author found that the difference of vocabulary learning strategies use between science and art majored students concluded by them is totally opposite. Yang Li concluded that art majors and science majors differ in terms of dictionary use strategies and guessing strategies but were similar in using note-taking and rehearsal strategies, while Fan Lin got the conclusion totally opposite. 非英语专业学生词汇学习策略研究(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_50170.html