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时间:2021-04-25 22:40来源:英语论文
In the literature of foreign language teaching and research, the theory of the impact factors in foreign language acquisition is not uncommon. On the one hand, due to build any kind of foreign languag

In the literature of foreign language teaching and research, the theory of the impact factors in foreign language acquisition is not uncommon. On the one hand, due to build any kind of foreign language acquisition theory or involved in any kind of foreign language teaching must be based on fundamental factors that affect language acquisition and the importance of distinguishing the assessment (Zhang Zhiyuan, 2002: 87).

On the other hand, “with the recent theoretical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and other related disciplines in-depth studies and results continue to emerge, people are increasingly aware of deep study of the main foreign language(Zhang Zhengdong, 2006: 23), foreign language acquisition specifically process of foreign language teaching environment play a real key role in understanding of the nature of language acquisition, and in order to organize foreign language teaching better(Andrew, D. Cohen, 2000: 5).”

According to the latest results, the factors of foreign language learning, foreign language teaching theorists affecting combined with the actual Chinese children learning a foreign language and characteristics, the study of the environmental factors that is to lead to foreign language teaching theorists focus the children's English education, and to promote the theoretical study of foreign language education of children, and “to provide methods for the majority of foreign language teachers care to organize the class of children(Jeremy Harmer, 2003: 10).文献综述

2. Literature Review

2.1 Previous Research on Early Childhood English Education

With the development of global economy and the modern educational concepts and requirements of quality education, the society did more researches on early education, especially English education.

In the 1960s, bilingual education rise in Europe, mainly applied to immigrants and ethnic minorities students, who were lack of English ability, to help them get high level of English and go into mainstream.

The long-standing history of bilingual education for children abroad, mostly around the middle of the last century, based on a large number of non-English-speaking countries of immigrant children English education. So there are large quantities of researchers study on early childhood English education at home and abroad.

Through collecting and classifying related literature about early childhood English education, the result indicates that most of the studies focus on the following aspects.

2.1.1 Research on early childhood English teaching objectives来.自/751论|文-网www.751com.cn/

Chinese pre-school children’s English learning should be under the premise that young children learn their mother tongue, and give young children the multicultural environment, guide them to learn English. “In China, we so-called the teaching of English, including English and different categories of languages and their teaching, under normal circumstances, should be called EFL (English as Foreign Language).” Reference to kindergarten bilingual teaching is not accurate enough; appropriate references should be Kindergarten English Teaching (Lei Qiuyun, 2003: 24).

2.1.2 Research on the mode of early childhood English Teaching

Domestic studies (Gao Jing, 2004: 45) have shown that children English education models are pided into two categories: “The first one is a mode which uses English as a discipline; the other teaching model is use English as a tool of education to organize a child’s one-day or half-day activities, called immersion program (Huang Yuanbo, 2005: 89, Zhang Wenlan 2004: 122).”

2.1.3 The strategy of children English teaching

Domestic studies explore the theory of English teaching from the perspective of psychology and linguistics into different categories: The Direct Method, The Audio-Lingual Method, The Situational Approach, The Communicative Approach, The Immersion Program, Total Physical Response, The Whole Language Approach (Shu Dingfang, 1996: 33, Ma Xiangming, 2001: 55). 幼儿园英语教育现状分析和事件探索(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_74323.html
