In the mainland China, there are also researches that studied The Grapes of Wrath from different frames of reference. Xiao Jinwen (2003) centers on the theme of people’s awakening from anger by two main characters analyses, two outstanding artistic features and two thematic studies. Steinbeck wrote the story by portrait of the hard collision between the powerful and the powerless, of one man’s unyielding revolt to injustice, and of a people’s silent, growing strength. The Grapes of Wrath is a landmark of American literature, capturing the dread of the Great Depression by revealing explicitly the very nature of equality and justice in America. By analyzing his personality and his significance, Xiao confirms that Jim Casy functioned as a spiritual guide who later in the novel announced his intuitions that “What’s this call, this sperit?.It’s love.”, “Maybe all men got one big soul ever’ body’s a part of”, and “Love to all”(Steinbeck, 2000:234). And Tom, concerning present interest and self interest at first, gradually transformed into an understanding of Casy’s message and managed to act out Casy’s philosophical ideas. He grew from violence to prudence. And in the end, Tom could actually represent the essence of the American spirit-“national character”, what Steinbeck later described, “If we had a national character and national genius, these people, who were beginning to be called Okies, were it. With all the odds against them, their goodness and strength survived.”(Sylvia Cook, Steinbeck, the People, and the Party, 1981:138) The two artistic features, great variety of prose styles and heavy employment of symbolism, acted both to strengthen the theme of people’s anger. Xiao first talked about the theme of “From I to we”, believing that there is a love that goes beyond the confinement of self-interest. Another important theme Xiao discussed is the human mobility and its various impacts. The Grapes of Wrath pictured a significant journey which demonstrated a complexion of human emotions, suffering, and the unyielding strength.
Zhang Yaqing(2012), by applying the theories of ecocriticism, focuses on Steinbeck’s criticism of anthropocentrism and his ecological thoughts. Three aspects helped to articulate Steinbeck’s criticism of anthropocentrism in the novel. One is man’s abuse of the land. Second, science and technology destroyed the land and drove peasants from their own land. Last, man’s uncontrolled material desires distorted people’s relationship and interfered the stability of the whole ecological system.
It’s a pity, however, that there did not appear many studies focusing on digging for the landless peasants’ core representative spirit, that is having dignity to lead them getting through the hardship, although some researches discuss the characters’ misfortunes, role function and people’s anger by adequate, convincing description of their goodness, strength despite of all the disasters and despair. This absence arouses my interest in focusing on this unexplored area. With deep interest, I hope my grope and study will add luster to the research on Steinbeck and his masterpiece The Grapes of Wrath.
3. A General Analysis of the Novel
To better understand the story of the Grapes of Wrath, it’s necessary to make a general analysis of the novel by introducing the plot and major characters from the standpoint of the theme. 浅析《愤怒的葡萄》中失土农民的抗争历程(4):