Female Identity in Dubliners_,英语论文《都柏林人》中的女性身份James Joyce as an Irish novelist and poet is regarded as one of the most important writers in the 20th century...
On the Role of Guided Learning Plan for Grade 7 Students in EFL英语论文导学案在七年级英语教学中的作用...
A Case Study of Lin Yutang’s English Version of Fu Sheng Liu Ji from the Perspective of Chesterman’s Models of Translation Ethics,英语论文切斯特曼翻译伦理模型下浮生六记林语堂译本研究...
The reflections of Fitzgerald’s life in The Great Gatsby,英语论文《了不起的盖茨比》中菲茨杰拉德一生的反思...
A Study on Translation of Cosmetic Trademarks from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics,英语论文从接受美学看化妆品商标的翻译...
An Investigation into the Learner Motivation in Participating Class Activities in Elementary English Classes,英语论文小学英语课堂参与活动的学习动机调查...
An Analysis of Maugham’s Self Evaluation as a Writer—Taking Of Human Bondage as a Case,英语论文毛姆的《人性的枷锁》略论作家的自我定位...
Vergleich der gegenwärtigen Jugendsprache,德语论文中德当代青少年用语对比Inhaltsangabe Die Sprache ist das grundlegende Werkzeug der Kommunikation...
A Study on the Automobile Image in The Great Gatsby Abstract英语论文研究《了不起的盖茨》中的“车”意象...
Translation and Criticism of Native Son in China,英语论文《土生子》在中国的翻译与研究综述...